At the market
acrylic on canvas
24 x 36 inches
Barbara Muir © 2009
Today is Saturday, and that means a couple of things.acrylic on canvas
24 x 36 inches
Barbara Muir © 2009
One: we get to sleep in -- incredible luxury. Two:
I get coffee in bed if Steven's home. A long standing
ritual. I read my book (yes I always have a book), and
he brings me first a cup of coffee, and then the pot,
and the cream jug. My dog waits anxiously for a piece
of the banana Steven also brings with the first coffee.
Then I either read on my own, or we read together -- and
before we know it it's time to hurry up and get ready to
go to the market. Our preferred one in Toronto is the
Brickworks. And three of our favourite market vendors
are Jan Marriott, the vintage fabric lady, who we help
pack up every week if we're there, PegAnn the flower
person with the amazing bouquets of flowers she grows
herself, and the people at Marvellous Edible Farms who
we buy our eggs, vegetables, and delicious quiches from.
October's bouquet
acrylic on canvas
8 x 8 inches
Barbara Muir © 2009
Right now Jan and her husband are in New Zealand,acrylic on canvas
8 x 8 inches
Barbara Muir © 2009
PegAnn is taking the winter off (because it's hard
to grow flowers outside in February), and the Marvellous
Edible Farms are at the market almost every week.
Have a loving your local market day
Funny fact: Last year someone posted a bit on
Facebook about disliking it when people take eggs
out of the carton out of order. Ever since we read that
Steven and I very deliberately take the eggs we eat out
in a random order -- guaranteed to make the other
laugh when we open the carton. Yes we are silly, and we
have a million ways to have fun. Helpful in February,
and the rest of the year.
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