Wednesday, December 5, 2018

The first 1,000 things I learned this year

Untitled (work in progress)
acrylic on canvas
30 x 30 inches
Barbara Muir © 2018
Journalist/photographer Howard Wolinsky and I go back
10 years, to the time Howard did the first video interview
with me about drawing on Skype.  In fact that interview
aired exactly 10 years ago today.

The first 1,000 things I learned this year -- summarized:
Well yesterday on Facebook when I posted a painting
I'd done from a gorgeous Howard Wolinsky photo in
2016, that was part of a post 10 things I learned in 2016,
Howard challenged me to write about 2018 things I learned
in 2018. For me 2018 was a year jam packed with learning.
So I thought I'd summarize the first 1,000 things just to try
and please Howard because he's been so good to me (I mean
he got me on Oprah because of the link above).  I learned at
least 1,000 times over that the more I think I know, the less
it turns out that I actually do know. In short I have a lot to

Even though I didn't travel that much, I probably learned more
about more places, people, ideas and facts this year than ever
before.  And that's exciting!  The truth is that we are
absolutely bombarded with information on the Internet,
in books, and on TV News.  Plus one night a week, I have
the good fortune to teach people from all over the world,
who do every kind of job. So I learned how to say "Pay attention!"
 in Gujarati, which my students who speak Gujarati find more
than a little surprising. It sounds like this: Dhyāna āpō.  

A passion for learning is a gift that repays us at least
1,000 times over. Here is the painting I'm working on now.
I hope it is close to finished.

Have a paying attention day.


  1. Love this! I do not know what country speaks Gujarati! I'm adding that to the things that I've learned this year!

  2. Hi Pam,

    Thank you so much. Gujarati is the language in Gujarat in India. I've taught quite a few students who speak Gujarati.


  3. Wondergul sense of space and light in this painting!
    I think my main reason for sticking with painting through all the starts and stops is because it an opportunity to keep learning

  4. Thank you so much Laura.

    Maybe that is the attraction to keeping on keeping on. Things happen. The work
    changes. We change. I love your work so much!



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