Sunday, March 24, 2019

Small changes in the Month of Change

Lemons at the dinner party
Acrylic on cradled Birch panel
8 x 8 inches
Barbara Muir © 2019

I may not be finished the little painting I'm showing to you
today, but it feels done.  It has more zip and punch than it
did the first time I showed it to you. The changes were small,
but made a huge difference.  

Wishing you a super week, as we move into the full beauty
of spring. We were lucky today to see the last day of the Mickalene
Thomas: Femmes Noires show at the Art Gallery of Ontario and the 
exhibition.  Mickaline Thomas is prolific and powerful and uses unique
techniques like printing photographic collages onto mirrors.  Her
work is huge and arresting. Both shows were amazing.  My favourite 
piece in the Impressionism show was a Degas painting of a woman 
ironing that I'd never seen before.  The light was magical.

It's been a wonderful day entertaining the youngest member
of our family, who is filled with life and ideas, and transforming
every minute.  Her influence hits me both with a sweetness
that is heartwarming, and the inspiration that comes from watching
how hard the very young work at learning and changing every 
day -- sometimes in every hour.  A treat.

Have a making small changes and enjoying them day.


  1. Your characteristic colors are sumptuous, and so full of joy. I really like all the little violet touches.

  2. Very cheerful, Barbara! I love your posts. You're always so upbeat!

  3. Thank you so much Laura! So glad you like it!

    XOXOXOXO Barbara

  4. Thank you so much Candy!

    XOXOXOXO Barbara


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