Thursday, April 4, 2019

A second opinion, in the Month of Fresh Starts

Rain Ahead
Acrylic on canvas
24 x 24 inches
Barbara Muir © 2017
(Love this painting which is
about one of the most dramatic
rain storms I've ever driven through.)

I keep thinking I'll take a break from the blog because
it's taking me so long to finish the current paintings, but
I'm addicted to talking to you, so here I am.  I was
recently diagnosed by an eye doctor as being close
on blind.  Funny I thought, I think I'm seeing well with
my glasses.  The wonderful people who create my glasses
didn't believe the prescription.  So I went to an
ophthalmologist (just a step up the eye care ladder) today who
said I had, "no major worries." Wow!  The changes in
my vision are minor! Moving on.

I still have the drops in my eyes, and they last a good long time
(5 hours) so tonight I'm posting this image, which I love even though
it's not new.  Weird about art that way eh?  Wouldn't
Leonardo Da Vinci be surprised.  (No I know I am not him!)

The point of this post is to get a second opinion.  If you are
worried about your work, or your health, or what to do.
Don't listen to the first (and maybe the scariest voice) you
come in contact with.  Get a second opinion, and trust your
gut in this Month of Fresh Starts. A new and more comforting
opinion is a Fresh Start. And for me part of getting my act
together (the serious work of the month) is getting to doctors'
appointments. Done. Check, and now back to painting happily
with my perfectly good eyes.

Have a trusting your gut day.


  1. That is excellent advice. So glad you got your second opinion!
    The sky in this painting is beyond stunning, it's majestic and awesome

  2. Thank you so much Laura,

    Yes me too. I was quite upset after my visit to the first doctor, but
    thrilled when the second one said -- nope you're good. I am getting new
    glasses -- slightly stronger, but hey. Love, love, love your work!

    XOXOXOXOXO Barbara


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