Kitchen scene
Flowers, drawing, notebook,
coffee, the newspaper.
Yep that looks normal.
Barbara Muir © 2015
Some Saturdays are so packed that they fly by crazy fast.
You feel like you've done nothing, but you check thelong list you wrote to keep yourself sane, and you've
done it all.
That was today. Tons accomplished, but what stands out
is the blasting heat, and the few minutes we sat on the porch
drinking sips of not very lively champagne with a cherry in
each glass and toasting one another.
This photo from 4 years ago, looks both joyful and busy and
suits such a day. It was incredibly, horribly hot. I heard
a comedian say that that's what Canadians talk about --
the weather -- and some days that makes sense.
Have a loving your life day.
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