Saturday, August 31, 2019

The saga continues

Hot lemon
black marker on paper
5.5 x 8 inches
Barbara Muir © 2019
When the doctor on call tonight saw this drawing, she was
all excited because I'm an artist.  That made me
feel good, even thought I have a horrendous cold,
and am now on antibiotics.  Because this was
all I could manage today, and it's a drawing of my
hot lemon drink.

The doctor said that hot lemon with maple syrup and
cayenne pepper, which I was drinking was much
better than cough syrup.

And once again I'm glad I live in Canada, where
a doctor will come to your house when you aren't well,
and treat you, and it is free.

Have a working on feeling good day. 

Friday, August 30, 2019

A beautiful day to have a bad cold

After the nap
Black marker on Moleskine paper
8 x 10 inches
Barbara Muir © 2015
Sitting on the back porch, with a huge list of things I must
do today in my mind, I hear a loud chorus of cicadas, almost
drowning out the construction of two new houses up the street,
and the roar of airplanes in the air show at the CNE (Canadian
National Exhibition).

Our siamese cat Fiona is bathing on a chair in the sunlight she loves.
The wind whirs through the trees, and I am writing to you.
I have a very bad cold all of a sudden.  A deep barking cough.
And my friend in the Netherlands says I have a good voice for
a horror movie. Funny.

Some bed art seems appropriate for today.  I'll go inside in a minute
and work on my work, drink gallons of hot lemon, and meditate
on getting better. Meanwhile all is well with the world for the
next few minutes.

Have a taking breaks when you can day.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Life lessons -- my art is about the world I see

The Pumpkin Farmhouse
Maison De Haute Couleur 
Charvin, Paris Watercolour
on Fabriano paper
8 x 10 inches
Barbara Muir © 2017
(The farmhouse is gone now,
and I think there's a mall there.
When the boys were young we used to
visit the farm to pick our Thanksgiving and 
Halloween pumpkins).
Looking back on my posts on beauty, I found one that really said it all. 
Artists who produce work honouring the beauty they see on the
planet matter. Today Greta Thunberg is in the United States having sailed
across the ocean sometimes in very high seas in a sailboat.  Why?
 She loves the planet and wants us to save it.

Thinking about that, I realize that the poet John Keats pretty
well summed it up. Here's what I said in a former post:
"Beauty is truth, truth beauty, -- that is all Ye know on earth, 
and all ye need to know."John Keats -- Ode on a Grecian Urn.
I was raised on Keats; my mother could quote any poem she ever read, 
and did. Plus I studied English Literature at university, and the 
teachers who taught us about the Romantic poets were some of 
the most inspired and engaging professors I ever met...

During a stint of horrendous work in a small Ontario town
at a pizza restaurant, with an unscrupulously cruel boss, 
heard that the town was a mecca for artists. One day
 I was  introduced to a young woman artist, and I was invited to her 
studio to see slides of her work. She created "art" out of dead animals
stuffed in awkward poses by a taxidermist, standing in shattered glass.

I thank her now because her work depressed me so much that
when I added her disturbing art to the mix of bad work, and no pay
I was dealing with, I left the town and never looked back.

 I can also thank her, because she helped me decide that art could
 be beautiful, and that creating appealing work was a calling
every bit as important as shocking and horrifying the public.
In short she sent me crying for mercy back into the pages of John
 Keats, where I now live celebrating the beauty I see any chance I get."

Have a saving the beautiful planet day.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

The month of pure happiness -- one of them!

Untitled (Work in Process)
Acrylic and acrylic ink, and 
marker on canvas
11 x 14 inches 
Barbara Muir © 2019
This has been an astounding month.  Vibrationally, if you
get my meaning.  Driving along in the car with Steven,
through our magnificent country.  Holding hands sometimes,
and singing.  So incredibly lovely, despite being doggedly

I bought the silver jug in this painting at a garage sale.
The man asked for $20 and I said, "that's too expensive,"
so he said "what isn't?"  And I said "$10."  It is really
beautiful, but was tarnished of course.  Dipped into
boiling water in an aluminum foil lined bowl, with salt
and baking soda, it's gorgeous luminous beauty was
revealed instantly!  Woah!
Untitled Work in Process
The beginning 
I was thinking of the fabulous
portrait painter Simon Davis when
I painted the canvas in a warm wash.
Then I planned to draw with a pencil,
but I needed more clarity so used a marker.
Today it's filled with flowers from my garden, and is a
vibrant reminder of the transfixing beauty in this world.

Have an enjoying the happiness of the day, day.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Should, should, shoulda -- Back to work

The fields between
Acrylic on canvas
18 x 24 inches
Barbara Muir © 2018
(Currently on view at Catch
the Moments Gallery 4444 Queen St.
Niagara Falls. Check it out!) 
When I hear "you should," come flying out of my mouth,
I try to switch to "could." I realize that I really can't know
another person's reality.  In art there are constantly a lot
of shoulds.  Most are self-delivered.

So I make my lists, should, should, should, and cross them
off.  There are days (today could have been one of them),
when all I want to do is ignore every should that pings around my
head like a fly in the night. is time to take care
of all of the things that needed to be done while I was
on a very long car trip, a short and delicious stay, and a
very long car trip.  Thank you to all of the wonderful
people we met along the way. You are amazing. I did
start a painting -- in the very earliest stages.  But this painting
speaks to me of where I've just been -- out in the magnificent

And as it turned out I am joyously happy, which I "should
be", because I met our newest family member today.  So

18 days on the road, and we made it home last night.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Seeing it again -- the reality that sparked the work

Moody Beauty
Acrylic on canvas
30 x 30 inches
Barbara Muir © 2018
This will be brief.  We've driven a total of 6,000 kilometres,
or 3,728 miles.  Far in other words.  For most of the drive
out to Nova Scotia and back I was snapping photos which
will be the jumping off point for new paintings.

Suddenly somewhere in Nova Scotia I saw trees on top
of a hill, and thought -- those are the trees in my painting,
this is where I saw that image.
That made me crazy happy. (Yes I am given to being that
way). Then I realized I'd also done a sketch of the same
image last summer, before I worked on the painting.

Have a loving everything you see day.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Almost home -- the delights of Ottawa

Nova Scotia Flowers
Acrylic on canvas
8 x 8 inches
Barbara Muir © 2009

We have had a marvellous trip from Quebec City, and
are so happy to be in Ottawa.  Our room looks out to a
spectacular view of the parliament buildings and the canal.  The
young fellow on the desk upgraded us to a very nice
room (that is always wonderful), and the fellow who
brought our bags to our room, sang a Stan Rogers song
beautifully when he found out we'd come from Nova
Scotia.  He had an exceptional voice, and I was afraid I
was going to cry, but I didn't.  Whew.

I'm posting a painting from 10 years ago of the kind of
flowers my friend Paula leaves in the school house for us
each year.  She is wonderful, and the small bouquets from
her own garden are such a lovely surprise.

Have a loving your friends day.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

To Quebec and the long beginning of the road home

Ocean play
16 x 24 inches
Barbara Muir ©
Leaving Nova Scotia is hard. Today we took the longest drive of the trip
from Wallace, Nova Scotia to Quebec City.  Rolling through endless gorgeous
scenery, is both thrilling and nostalgic.  We know that we probably
we won't see this incredible part of Canada again for a year.

But we stopped and had dinner along the way, and sang to the songs
on our favourite radio station, played through my phone.  And now
the longing to be home, to see our family and the dog and cats,
and to be in our house is the pull.  Travelling demands subjecting 
yourself to the pull of going, and when it is time, the equally strong
desire to return home.

I love this painting of Steven and the boys playing in the ocean
at the beach we love in Nova Scotia.  They are all grown up now,
but I'm sure they love the ocean as much as we do.

Have a looking forward to being home day.

Friday, August 23, 2019

The last day in paradise

Wonder Water Image #5
Acrylic on canvas
30 x 30 inches
Barbara Muir © 2015
We love it here.  If we ever did move to Nova Scotia
for good, this is where we'd settle.  Here where each
tree, each farmhouse, each field, the beach we love, and
every view of the ocean pulls at our heartstrings.

We have in the past 20+ years that we've been coming here
travelled the entire coast of the province, and nowhere else
feels like home to us.  Like a second home.  The entire
province is beautiful, and every place has its charms,
but this place is the one we love, and now it's time to

Someone we were talking to the other day said that
we should move out to Pugwash because we have a
group of friends here already, and we'd be happy.
On this visit to Nova Scotia one endearing quality
in almost everyone we met was that they love their
province, their towns, their homes.

I get it.  It is beyond magnificent.  It's time to go
back to our family, and work, and friends in our
community in Toronto.  We leave with so much
gratitude to everyone who has helped us,
entertained us, fed us, delighted us with laughter,
art and song.  It has been the best time ever.

The model for the painting above which went to
Florence, Italy, and New York was my son Sam's girlfriend,
Emily, who is a wonderful person and a talented
artist too. This portrait sold in New York City.
Emily is one of the people we look forward to seeing back
in Toronto.

Have a loving your home day.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

The month of pure happiness -- and more to come!

Invitation to the New Members show at
the Heliconian Club on Saturday, September 7.
Please come out if you're in Toronto.  That's
one of my pieces on the right side of the invite 
Cloud Magic.
I realized that I've been on a roll of naming each month,
and then here in one of the most spectacular months of
the year, I haven't named it.  Pure happiness seems right,
because it has been such an amazing month.  

We've spent time with so many wonderful people,
seen the most gorgeous scenery, eaten delicious meals.
Just fantastic.  Thank you to everyone who shared their
time with us this month.  I feel like I'm in the midst of
the most delightful summer, and know at month's end the
good times will continue.  Check out the Heliconian
New Members' exhibition invite.

I will back to Toronto next week, and back to work -- but I
look forward to new experiences, and I'll be inspired by everything
that happened in this month of pure happiness.

Have a savouring the moment day.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

The last few days in gorgeous Nova Scotia

Ken's Flowers
Acrylic on canvas
8 x 8 inches
Barbara Muir © 2009
I found this photo of a painting I did ten years ago that
says it all.  Ken and Maxine Lander grow, and develop beautiful
 flowers for Proven Winners which are featured in Martha Stewart
Magazine.  Their beautiful varieties of petunias are sold everywhere
from here in Pugwash to Toronto and the states.

Tonight we went to a wonderful dinner in the Lobster Factory.
The building is a community hall in Pugwash, and tonight
there was a special Italian themed dinner.  We went with Norene
and Greg Smiley, and met Louise Cloutier and Richard Dittami there. 

It was an amazing dinner, so delicious.  And we sat outside
watching herons and eagles flying over Pugwash Harbour. Magical.

Nova Scotia is beautiful, and our overwhelming emotion here
is straight up joy. This painting says that for me.  I hope you get
to be somewhere that makes you feel that way soon, if you aren't
there already.

Have a loving where you are day.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

The place for beauty

On the Fundy Route
Acrylic and acrylic ink, and black marker
on watercolour paper
3.5 x 5 inches
Barbara Muir © 2019
Today has had its definite ups and downs.  We had
a lovely time in Bear River, and when I was leaving
I was suddenly dizzy.  I had a cup of tea, and
felt a bit better, then we drove for an hour and got
some Coca Cola, and I felt a lot better. (I don't usually
drink Coke, but it helped today.)

We kept going, wanting to get back to our school house
by nightfall. Frequent stops in the spectacular
landscape revived me, and by the time we hit Tatmagouche
I was better.

Tonight I did a little painting in tribute both to Flora
Doehler and Larry Knox for entertaining us in Bear
River, and to the gorgeous scenery we drove through.
I so love Nova Scotia.

Have a taking care of yourself day.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Getting unstuck -- visiting Bear River

Some of Flora Doehler's work in her studio
in Bear River, Nova Scotia
I know it's strange to accuse a couple who've travelled
3600 kilometres of being stuck in the mud, but we are
definitely habit driven.  And we love our school house
in Wallace, Nova Scotia, and the Pugwash, Nova Scotia
area.  It is in fact our second home.  And once there
we are incredibly reluctant to move.

The beach near Pugwash is one of our favourite
places in the world.  So to leave and go to the opposite
end of the province today was a big deal for us.  We were
happy reading our books, figuring out where to eat, and
visiting friends.

And yet luckily we were compelled to take one of the most
beautiful drives we have ever taken to visit our friends
Flora Doehler and Larry Knox in Bear River.  The picture
tonight is of some of the art in Flora's studio.  As an artist
she gets more experimental and adventurous all the time,
and is in her element here in beautiful Nova Scotia.

We had a wonderful night together this evening.  They
treated us to an amazing dinner and we had so much

Tomorrow we take the same gorgeous route home.  I
know I will be charged by all of Flora's great ideas about
art until we see her and Larry again.

Have a loving your travels day.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Beautiful P.E.I. and an unwelcome guest

The Yellow Field
Acrylic on canvas
12 x 12 inches
Barbara Muir © 2016
Today we drove over to P.E.I. to have dinner in Victoria
at the Landmark Oyster House.  Everything was delicious
(Wine, beet salad with greens, grilled salmon over mashed potatoes,
creme brulée, coffee ).  P.E.I. is beautiful, and if we have time we'll
go back, but what a treat!

We got back to the school house to the sound of frantic banging
against the downstairs floor.   The reason?  A porcupine trapped under
the school house.  We tried everything, and eventually Steven
created a space for Mr. Porcupine to get out, tempted him
with some lettuce, knocked on the school house floor, and
went to read about porcupines.

Very educational and the poor fellow left.  Steven patched up
the exit space, brought in the lettuce, and as far as we know
that's the excitement for tonight.

Have a learning about the world day.

Friday, August 16, 2019

A beautiful day, and sketching

Clouds -- sketch
Acrylic ink, black marker and watercolour
5.5 x 8.5 inches
Barbara Muir © 2019
When the real holiday mood sets in out here in the
school house, it is sooooo peaceful.  I guess you could
say we're blessed with erratic Internet.  That has forced
us to read our books, in the absolute silence that is life
here --unless of course the highway is busy.

So we've done that.  And I've started sketching.  Plus
we went to the beach we love and walked on the wide
sand at low tide.  Then we drove as fast as possible to
reach the Sandpiper restaurant before the 8 p.m. cut off,
and made it.  Supper was delicious!

Other than that every drive in the car -- and it's a long
car ride to groceries and water (no running water here),
and almost everything -- is a symphony of overwhelming
beauty.  This is without a doubt one of the most
beautiful places in the world.  And I am doing research
for all the paintings that will follow.

Meanwhile -- have a taking it easy day.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Dinner with the artists

The Last Stand
Acrylic on canvas
30 x 30 inches
From the Back to the Land exhibition in
Tatamagouche, Nova Scotia, in July
Norene Smiley © 2019

We were so delighted to have dinner tonight at
Norene and Greg Smiley's house.  The artist
Louise Cloutier, and poet Richard Dittami came
for dinner too, and we had great conversations
over a delicious meal.

Norene's work has inspired me since I first saw it
at the Chatterbox Café in Pugwash, Nova Scotia.
I first saw Louise's work last year in a show in Oxford,
Nova Scotia that combined her work with poetry
by Richard.  It was a wonderful exhibition and
collaborative venture.

Riders on the storm
 Acrylic on Canvas
Louise Cloutier © 2019
Louise has added a huge spark of life to the arts
community in Pugwash with her ArtQuarters
Pugwash art school.  And Norene will be teaching
a watercolour workshop there tomorrow.

Have a talking to the artists you love day.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Settling in

Cherries with a full moon
iPad quick sketch
Barbara Muir © 2019
Here's a rough iPad sketch I did tonight of cherries.
I had a great conversation with a couple shopping
at the Maxi in Lévis outside of Quebec City.  They
were buying cherries, and so was I.  In my bad french
I told them that I'd read that cherries helped you sleep.
Each time I ran into the couple while I was shopping,
the man would laugh, and pretend to snore.

Speaking of snoring, I am super tired from the long
drive yesterday.  So this is it for tonight.  I hope to have more
to say tomorrow.

Have a taking it easy day.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Our second home

The House on the Hill #2
Acrylic on canvas
18 x 24 inches
Barbara Muir © 2017
(I started shouting when I saw this house
today, and scared the hell out of
Steven.  But this house means we are
almost there.  I was delighted to see
it.  Ecstatic even.  We have arrived.)

Today was the final lap of our journey out to Nova Scotia.
It's amazing how the details of the route are etched in our
minds -- like a living map.  Iconic in our memory and
imagination.  This is the place where our spirits feel
so joyous.

Thunder storms, high heat -- all this was predicted before we
left today.  But reality was completely different.  Paradise.  We are
in paradise.

Okay we don't have running water.  And the facilities are outside.
And the furniture is from yard sales and in rough shape.  But it is
all ours.  We do have wonderful friends, can eat on real china in our little
school house, and add to that we're close to the ocean. We had dinner
tonight in one of our favourite restaurants, looking at the ocean.
Can't beat that.

Have a loving where you are day.

Monday, August 12, 2019

Our big, beautiful country

View from the highway
Acrylic on canvas
18 x 24 inches
Barbara Muir © 2017
The great thing about travelling by car across this part of
Canada, is that we see again how incredibly beautiful, and
vast our country is.  Even this part, a fraction of the whole.
And of course it is the perfect time of year -- the whole
drive lush and lakes and rivers shimmering in the light.
Amazing.  We hit one heck of a thunder and rain storm
tonight, but got through it and ended up driving under an
almost full moon in a clear sky.

Aside from the gorgeous landscape, the people we
meet along the way are the life of the journey.
Great conversations everywhere.

I have painted so many paintings of views from the
highway.  It's wonderful to travel a route so often that
you know where things are.  I love that here, and I
love staying in the same place in cities like Paris and
New York, so we get to know people.

Today was the longest leg of the journey, and we're
now ready to arrive at our destinations, and be walking
 on the beach.  All good.  Can't wait.

Have a loving your life day.

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Half Way There -- an amazing journey

Self Servewatercolour on watercolour paper

9 x 12 inchesBarbara Muir © 2011 

(I love this series.  I love the light, and
exuberance, and observation of
what's happening at a gas station. 
Observation is key.)

Okay we have travelled 1,000 kilometres.  Half of the way to
our little school house in Nova Scotia.  While we've been
travelling we've been over the moon about news of the birth
of our newest family member -- a baby girl.

At the same time we've been with family going through the
loss of their dog as the dog slowly died.  Hard and very sad.

On the road we listen to the radio and sing at the top of
our lungs -- sliding through landscapes so deliciously lush
and green I just want to stop every five minutes to capture
this, and then this, and then the best yet -- this.

Today I saw a complete rainbow -- the total arch just outside
of Quebec, and for our pleasure in Quebec City the very
heavy rain had just finished falling, so we could have a beautiful
walk along the boardwalk after dinner.

Have a counting your blessings day.

Saturday, August 10, 2019

The pleasure of languages -- travel rocks!

Making magic in Montreal
Acrylic on canvas
30 x 30 inches
Barbara Muir © 2012
There is so much talk now about why we can't get along,
why we can't abandon our differences, and then there
is the Food Court in downtown Ottawa, where people
from all over the world grab and eat their lunch, talking
the whole time.  A buzz of international culture, and one
of the reasons I love travelling.

Maybe we could start by all sitting down and eating together.
A camaraderie arises over shared food that is unique I think.
One of my students researched that there are 6500 languages 
in the world.  I would so love to know how to speak all of
them, instead of one language, with smatterings of one other,
and phrases here and there of a couple more.  Along with
visual art, language is definitely one of my passions.  And we need
to start speaking to one another, finding out and enjoying how
much we share, and how little we know about this big planet.

The woman who modeled for this painting was joyous, 
beautiful, confident, and loved to travel at least as much as
I do.  It radiates out from her face -- her sheer enthusiasm for
life.  We are still on the road, and will be passing through
Montreal tomorrow, so this painting that sold in New York
City when it showed there is perfect.

Have a loving learning something new day.

Friday, August 9, 2019

More from the highway

Full Tank
Watercolour on watercolour paper
9 x 12 inches
Barbara Muir © 2011
The lead up to getting on the road, preparing the house
for guests who are taking care of it, and making sure
all the necessities for a vacation are packed is
somewhat tense. :-)

But once we're on the road it is so wonderful to be
away, free of all responsibility and just heading out to
see the world, and some of the people in it that we
can only get to by travelling.

Woo Hoo!  On the road again.

Thank you for all the support all year round. 

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Heading out -- and from the files

Full Serve

Watercolour on watercolour paper
9 x 12 inches
Barbara Muir © 2011
I love this painting for the exuberance that jumps
out of the picture.  What is strange is that when I
painted it I wasn't thinking about climate change
and the effect of oil on our climate.  I am now
every time I fill my car.

I love travelling, and driving, and watching
people wherever I am -- that was what this was about.
On top of that when I'm in the Maritimes everything
looks good -- brilliant, beautiful.  Maybe it's the air,
which is still vital and clean in Nova Scotia.  Maybe it's
the people. Almost all friendly and kind -- top of my
list for wonderful.  Maybe it's me.  I change -- my
eyes are wide, wide open.

Whatever it is, the journey of 2,000 kilometres (1,000 miles)
starts with packing the car.  So it's time for bed, so that
can be done tomorrow with a bit more ease.  The woman
in my painting looks like she has it all together, and I
liked that about her.

Have a getting it all together day.

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Small and beautiful

The pond I love
Acrylic on watercolour paper
5 x 8.5 inches
Barbara Muir © 2019
I've been watching the work of a number of artists on Instagram,
who create beautiful small pieces every day.  They are mega
inspiring, creative, exciting.  So I thought.  Hey!  Why not
plan bigger pieces that way -- especially when life gets thick
with other obligations, and the time for painting is condensed.

Perfect solution, and one the many painters who share their
work so kindly with the wide internet art community are
using.  Here's today's effort.  A painting of the lovely pond in
a park we visit as often as possible that's out on the western
edge of Toronto.  That park has both beaches on Lake Ontario,
and this quiet pond.  So superb.

I hope you are getting time at your favourite nature escapes.
They seem to make such a difference to our view of life.

Have a loving your special places day.

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Visiting a friend's show

Lapins en rose: Ivy Painting
Acrylic on canvas
30 x 30 inches
Jennifer Hinrichs © 2019
Today my son Sam and I went with Jennifer Hinrichs
to see the Society of Canadian Artists juried show
at The Papermill Gallery at Todmorden Mills in Toronto.  The
large exhibition runs until August 26, and it is beautiful.

Jennifer's work is wonderfully lyrical, both abstract, and firmly
rooted in the magical imagination of a very young child.
We took a number of photos, but only the photos of Jennifer
 and her wonderful painting, Lapins en Rose: Ivy Painting
came through.

Jennifer Hinrichs with her
The show is well worth visiting.  The gallery is
open from 10 - 4:30 on weekdays and noon -- 5
on the weekend.

Have a loving your friends' work day.

Monday, August 5, 2019

I'm coming to the show too!

The happiest view 
Acrylic on canvas
36 x 60 inches
Barbara Muir © 2017
This painting, which I love, is also heading out to
the Encounter show, opening on September 8 at the
Heliconian Club on Hazelton Avenue in Toronto.

The painting speaks to me because it holds the
light I love shining out of the clouds on a glorious
day in Nova Scotia, at our favourite beach.

I was explaining to the youngest member in my
family today (three) how we have to organize our visit
to Nova Scotia around the moon.  Amazing isn't it?
But true.  The tides are affected by the moon,
and if you want to walk on the beach at low
tide at the end of a warm summer day, you have
to know when low tide is going to happen.

Hence the tide charts we get at the hardware
store in town every summer.  Those things rule
our life (and everyone else's who lives by the

Have a loving nature day.

Sunday, August 4, 2019

Going to the show

Cloud Magic
Acrylic on canvas
4 x 6 feet
Barbara Muir © 2018
This painting -- Cloud Magic -- is one of my favourites.
Its history so far is dramatic to say the least.  I'd just begun
painting it, and it was moving along happily when I
fell and broke my wrist.  Everyone said -- "oh well it was
your left hand and you paint with your right." But I needed
someone to open tubes, lift my canvasses.  I was very lucky
to have Steven, my sweet husband, to help me. It is a big

Last year Cloud Magic showed in two Water for Life shows
curated by Antoine Gaber and Angelina Herrera aimed at raising
consciousness about saving the world's water, and getting clean
water to all communities.  The painting appeared in the Niagara
Falls History Museum, and in Arta Gallery in Toronto.

In September it is going to be in the Encounter exhibition at
the Heliconian Club on Hazelton Avenue in Yorkville, Toronto.

The painting's size makes it hard to photograph, but today
Steven and I got a decent photo of this large work.

So please be ready to come and see it early in September.

Have a loving art shows day

Saturday, August 3, 2019

For the love of Irises

Saturday's Irises
Watercolour on watercolour paper
5 1/2 x 9 1/2 inches
Barbara Muir © 
This little watercolour is from the file of former
work.  For a few years I considered myself to
be a flower painter.  I still love painting flowers,
but it hasn't been my main focus in the recent
past.  Landscape, portraits and still life have
been more my thing.

But this painting is from a time when I was
studying famous flower painters, who were
like scientists in paint.  I love the detail, and
would rarely paint like this today.  Now I'm
trying to get looser.

But I'll admit it, uncovering this today, when
I can't show you something new, was like
getting a gift from the universe.  Another
one, because this whole, hot, beautiful day
was a gift from the universe.

Have a loving your work day.

Friday, August 2, 2019

House on the last corner before school

The blue fence (work in progress)
Acrylic on watercolour paper
6 x 8 inches
Barbara Muir © 2019
When I taught at a school north of the city, it was
sometimes a squeeze to get to work on time.  Traffic
could play havoc with my perfect timing.  This house
was a symbol for me.  Of course it isn't bright yellow,
and the picket fence is decaying brown board.  But
I would have loved to see it spiffed up with a bit of

I haven't been back in a couple of years, so it may be
gone.  The city was encroaching on the country land
with malls, and gas stations and new housing developments.
But for me this house meant, "hey girl, you're
going to make it to class on time!"  I knew I still had a five
minute drive, and a running scramble.  But that's what
the house said to me, time after time.

Have a letting the world speak to you day.

Thursday, August 1, 2019

Might as well face it I'm addicted to love.

The King's Breakfast 
Acrylic on canvas
24 x 24 inches
Barbara Muir © 2015
Last night of my second intensive class of the summer,
and I knew I would be tired after our big event night.
I am, and it was sooo good.  My students rocked!

The title is true, I am addicted to love -- the love I get
through my blog. Tonight I share a food painting that I
really like. It's brightening my kitchen wall now, but
would be overjoyed to be on yours.

Vacation time is coming up, and I hope I'll be eating
breakfasts like this while luxuriating in my hotel room.
I think room service breakfast has to be on the list
of one of the most sensual pleasures a couple can share.

You greet the servers who kindly ignore your unfashionable
sleep outfits.  Then you sit down at a table set by experts.
If you're lucky you have a magnificent view of the day
before you.  But it works even in a New York hotel
looking out at other high-rises, and down at a sea
of yellow taxis.

You drink endless cups of coffee, and then if there are
no serious demands on your day -- go back to bed with
your books and each other, and smile the happiest
smiles any couple can share.

Have a dreaming of the perfect vacation day.