Sunday, October 6, 2019

Visitors, nature and cat birthdays

Gabrielle Fischer Horvath, Director Catch the Moments
Gallery and studio visits my studio.
Today I was delighted to have Gabrielle Fischer Horvath,
come for a visit.  Gabrielle is an amazing sculptor, and the
art director and curator at Catch The Moments gallery in
Niagara Falls.  We had a lovely time over coffee, and talked
about possible plans for the future.

After Gabrielle went on to her next appointment, my son Sam and
his girlfriend Emily dropped by, and we talked about art
(Emily's -- see my blog about her work) some more.
The wasps devouring maple syrup and
leaving their human hosts alone.
Meanwhile on the back porch the wasp invasion was nicely
controlled by a dish of maple syrup.  Make that at least three
dishes of maple syrup with refills, and we could sit out happily
and observe them without fear of being stung.  They had no
interest in us.

Tonight we celebrated (two days late as they pointed out)
the cats' birthdays.  Timbah and Fiona have birthdays on
the same day.  As far as I can determine Fiona just turned
12 and Timbah turned 15.  Wow.  Time goes fast with
animals.  They were treated both to our singing Happy
Birthday with an extra chorus by Sally the dog, and to
a special dinner featuring sardines along with their
regular food.

Timbah gets a birthday song, and
sardines (a special treat).

Fiona gets a birthday song, and sardines too.

Fiona wants the birthday candle to accompany
her while she eats.  After all it is her
birthday, so she gets her wish. And
sardines -- a very special treat.
So all in all it was a very full and joyous day.

Wishing you a joyous day.

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Portrait Artist

My photo
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
I paint and draw on commission and for shows. To commission a portrait, or purchase one of my paintings please contact me at:
A major highlight in my career? Drawing Oprah Winfrey live via Skype for her show "Where in the Skype are you? Galleries: Studio Vogue Gallery, Toronto, Canada. The Amsterdam Whitney Gallery, New York City. Gallery at the Porch Door, Kingston, Canada. Your positive comments on this blog mean the world to me. I'd love to hear from you!