Sunday, December 22, 2019

The best present - a happy life

Painting in the studio
Acrylic on canvas
8 x 8 inches
Barbara Muir © 2015

As I write this Steven is cleaning up after making two
pumpkin pies and pumpkin tarts.  The smell in the house
is delicious.  We have a good sized tree.  A friend painted
the back door in our kitchen red, and we realize that it needs to
go darker, but compared to the former inherited brown
stained, and varnished door, this red looks particularly
chirpy against the white trim, and yellow walls.

What I want for the rest of this year, and for the New Year
is more of the same -- a joyous life, with wonderful
friends like you, the opportunity to paint and draw, and
to teach writing.  I love being in shows and selling
my work, doing commissions and studying all the other
artists' work on my blog, on Facebook and Instagram.

Thank you for making this year rewarding and fulfilling.
You people rock me, and keep me going.  You make
me sooooo happy, and let's face it happiness is always
a miracle.

Wishing you light and love and fulfilling work now
and in 2020.  And I fervently wish that we figure out
how to fix the many serious issues in our world.

Have a feeling lucky day.


  1. Beautiful Barbara...lovely post, being so festive and full of happiness and anticipation for the Christmas festivities filled with love and family and friendships....a brightness in the season. Enjoy xo

  2. Dear Barbara, you are a ray of sunshine! Thank you for being a beacon of light, and joy, for all! I have heard the best way to work towards world peace, is to start with yourself. You have already done that! Your fabulous spirit, brightens my day, and lots of other people's day! Please keep sharing your joy! You are an inspiration and a blessing to one and all! Thank you for being you! Feeling huge gratitude, for being your friend! Happiest of holidays ,and best wishes for a wonderful new year! Endless love and blessing to you and/or family!

  3. Dear Judi,

    Thank you so much. We are part of the way through our family festivities and so far it has been just
    wonderful -- just wonderful food and great conversation. Now that Santa has officially visited we ca
    all get together and share some presents. So much Fun. Wishing you a very Happy New Year!

    XOXOXOXOXO Barbara

  4. Dear Nancy,

    Can't wait to talk to you. Each time I see one of your paintings I feel so much joy. You bring such love, colour,
    light and beauty into the world. And when I see you in photos of your shows, or travels, I feel so happy
    almost as though I am there getting to talk to you. I feel huge gratitude for being your friend too. Let's talk
    in the New Year, and I wish you a glorious rest of the holidays and Happy New Year!



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