Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Loving what I learned in 2020

Some of my images from 2020.
The top 9 app wasn't working
so I gathered some images I love. 
Happy New Year.
Photos and artwork
Barbara Muir © 2020

I looked at a blog from this day a couple of years ago, and
some of it seems as true today as it did then, even with this
year's enormous difference.
This year has been harder in most
respects, although in the past decade 
we've lived through family
members dying, and struggling with hard 
illnesses. But COVID-19
has been a constant, serious gloomy, horrifically scary
influence affecting almost every aspect of our lives, every day. 

Yet by my calculations in the 10 months of the year that we've been
dealing with this virus, 
I've been dazzled by so many wonderful, loving,
and kind gestures, 
phone calls, and Zoom meetings. Even with this deadly
virus l
ife has 
frequently been delightful. Major sources of my joy are the
wonderful work, ideas, and suggestions you share in 
your posts on your
blogs, Facebook, Instagram and YouTube. 
Some of the most challenging things
I learned in other years still apply. 

Be Happy!  Doesn't that sound simple? It can be.  This
year COVID has definitely made working on being
happy an uphill battle sometimes. Even before
the virus I noticed that we 
lose our way over ridiculous
things -- like 
traffic. As well as the richness of discovery, love
and a happy life, 
there have been many silly arguments about
how to behave in the current Lockdown, the occasional

sleepless nights, and worry about other people's health and

I've tried to listen to a voice in my head that tells me to rethink
my attitude (I think it is my mother), 
to notice what is great,
instead of what is wrong. I'm keenly 
aware that our time on the planet
is limited. I so enjoy 
your support, your beautiful art, and great thoughts 
I feel so blessed that my family and friends are wonderful!

You (I) don't know what's going to happen next.
Wonderful things happen when we aren't expecting them.
A dear friend showed up at the door today with mince tarts
for Steven. It was a grisly day -- dark grey skies, freezing rain,
and her brightly masked face was a treat indeed.

Teaching is a two way street. I teach writing once a week.
I've loved watching my students learn to be brave
and step into their own abilities and power.  This year all of
that work has happened online, through Zoom, emails, videos.
hardest challenge my students face is learning to talk in
front of a group. 
And every student this year has perfected that
talent.  Plus I love
 learning about places and customs all over the
world, where I've never been, bringing new thinking,
new ideas, and experiences into a virtual class room from
everywhere.  My students know that we're learning virtually
to try and avoid this virus. Young people are aware of the current dangers

to the planet, and actively working on changing the current policies.
This has been both inspiring 
and motivating for me.

Love is vital,  But I know that love is a major force.
I'm a reader, and try to keep up with the news, and know
that aside from the Corona virus -- politics, climate change disasters,
and the brutality of war 
have made it another very hard year.  But I am
once again so moved 
by how sweet people are to each other,
even in the 
hardest situations. And I'm so grateful for the people in
my life, who care, make me laugh, and listen when times are tough.
I've told you this before, but after my mother died I realized

that even though I told my mother that I loved her every time we
or saw one another -- we can really never tell each
other that we love one another too often.  Love is key.

Here's to a New Year filled with love for you!


Evelyn Oldroyd - painter said...

I have been learning so much by reading your blog. I am so grateful for your writings and positive attitudes in the face of the difficult year. I am also grateful for your positive comments on my drawings. I am quite sure you have helped me continue. Thank you and wishing you and yours the Best New Year! Evelyn

Barbara Muir said...

Thank you so much Evelyn. I feel like I learn so much seeing your
drawings. I so admire how you take on any plant, no matter how complicated,
and make it look lyrical, and draw with ease. You have been such a positive
influence on my artistic life in the past year. Wishing you a wonderful
2021 -- with a solution to this virus, and freedom to be social, have art shows, and
travel again.

Happy New Year!


Portrait Artist

My photo
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
I paint and draw on commission and for shows. To commission a portrait, or purchase one of my paintings please contact me at:
A major highlight in my career? Drawing Oprah Winfrey live via Skype for her show "Where in the Skype are you? Galleries: Studio Vogue Gallery, Toronto, Canada. The Amsterdam Whitney Gallery, New York City. Gallery at the Porch Door, Kingston, Canada. Your positive comments on this blog mean the world to me. I'd love to hear from you!