Monday, March 22, 2021

Spring wonders

Crocuses in my friend’s garden 


Barbara Muir ©️2021

If you don’t live in a city that experiences winter, you can’t imagine how incredibly exciting the sight of the first flowers in a friend‘s garden is!  

Something happened when I was posting my blog tonight, and the whole thing disappeared. That seems fabulously symbolic, and if I believed in horoscopes, or the evil eye, or anything like that I would say that in some ways this has been a day for that. There have been some very strange things going on, including  my car not going into reverse on a hill.

I am very grateful to my husband and his incredible knowledge of cars for him coming and saving me. And the strange little challenges have been going on all day. But in the midst of all that, I am so excited about the delight I feel going on a walk through the beginning of spring with a friend.

The joy I feel experiencing the beauty of the visual world and  of this new spring coming up in peoples’ gardens as we walk by, far outweighs some difficulties I‘ve  experienced today. My husband, my son, and my friends have certainly helped me enjoy this day. And thank you to my students to who were amazing tonight.

Have a loving your life day.


  1. What a glorious lot of crocus! And the colour❣️❣️❣️❣️
    Sounds like a take care of yourself day.

  2. Yes Evelyn,

    Thank you so much. I was on the edge of a big decision, and got a little too nervous.
    All is well, and now two days later I can hardly remember what I was so nervous
    about. One thing was the computer I need that fell and smashed on the floor.
    That was not good, and the total story of the repairs is still to come. But I
    think it will all work out.



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