Friday, June 18, 2021

Sometimes the medium is the message

Thank you to the pansies
Acrylic ink on mixed media paper
6 x 8 inches
Barbara Muir © 2021

As I said to the youngest member of my family, paper makes a 
big difference.  This painting with acrylic ink was done on
mixed media paper.  On watercolour paper the ink flows
in exciting ways, making patterns you didn't plan. Super.

On the mixed media paper, the ink doesn't even look the
same.  The colour is not as bright.  That's why paper matters,
but when the urge hits, like it did that day, I'm glad I made a 
painting, and I'd feel that way even if I did it on a paper bag.
 (I didn't, but you know what I mean.). Come to think of it,
maybe that would be cool. 

To you the beautiful pansies in front of my house I say a 
constant and cheerful thank you.  You inspire me
again, and again on any paper.  Have a great weekend.

Have a loving the learning of creating day.


  1. I keep going back and forth looking to see the differences due to the type of paper. Fascinating. I love them both. I can also see that your colour arrangements in each creates a difference in the perceived luminosity of the paintings. So interesting.

  2. Hi, Barbara. This is a lovely, cheerful painting! Have a great evening! This is Candy in Las Vegas. I can't sign in right now, so I'll be "Anonymous."

  3. Hi Evelyn,

    Thank you so much. It is much more obvious in person. Let's get rid of COVID, and then you can come and visit and we can talk about art. And drink coffee.

    Love your work.


  4. Hi Candy,

    Thank you so much. I don't know why you can't sign in, but let me know if your
    contacts and links have changed.

    Love your work.



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