Friday, October 15, 2021

Favourite from the Inktober collection

Reading in the studio
Ball point pen on paper
5.5 x 8.5 inches
Barbara Muir © 2019

 I love this drawing of Steven reading to Alice. Everything about the memories of
 getting to spend time with family members was deeply nostalgic for the long period
 of lockdown, and special precautions during this pandemic. There is such a sweetness
 in reading to anyone, but especially to children. It is beautiful to watch how they listen
 and absorb every word. If you read the book a number of times they'll know it off by
 heart, and want to say the words out loud as you read it .

Slowly these special times are coming back to us with more and more people being
fully vaccinated. And during the time when no contact outside of our main household was
possible, we learned so much about how vital the simple human interactions are to our

I am under no illusions that all is well with the world, but I am so incredibly happy
when we get to spend time with a friend, or a relative enjoying a book, talking
about a television show, or sharing a meal together – so amazing.

Have an enjoying the small pleasures in your life day.


  1. kids need to be read to more, it helps their little minds work, people just dont take the time to sadly

  2. Hi Jennifer,

    In this case it helps a brilliant mind. I think a lot of parents read to their children. And it is sad when no one reads to children, or to adults. I come from a reading family, and I love it when my husband reads to me. He has a great voice.

    Love your work.


  3. mom wasnt much of a reader but me and me sister have been bookworms our whole lives, different genres but would much rather have a library than tv

  4. Hi Jennifer,

    I love books, but have found it hard to read since COVID-19 hit. I did read
    an entire novel last week. Thank goodness. But I like watching TV in the evening. I know what you're saying about kids and screens. Before long they'll need to use them for everything. They deserve some time in the real world.



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