Tuesday, December 28, 2021

From 2016 things, to 2017 things -- spreading joy


Golden Sunlight Cherrywood
acrylic on canvas
16 x 20 inches
Barbara Muir © 2010

I started to read bell hook's all about love, and she talks about how 
the pervasiveness of cynicism, and lack of belief in love and joy is 
harming us as a society.  So here it is.  It has been my mission for
maybe 20 years to spread joy with my art, my writing and my teaching.

So this year--in a year where it's been hard for all of us to keep our
heads up, and keep going down the rocky road of virus land, I learned
this lesson again. Joy counts.  I need to do whatever I can to help 
others feel happy, and of course to stay happy myself.  That is not
a shallow lesson. Love is a deep commitment -- to the planet, to
family and friends like you, and to myself. 

I'm sending you the image from my holiday card.  I submitted my
teaching grades on December 22, and had two days to get the holiday
together.  That meant I didn't get the card to as many people as 
I would have wished -- in short -- all of you. 

The inside message is:

Warm Wishes for a Happy Holiday

and a Joyous New Year!

Have a spreading joy day!


  1. im usually a happy go lucky person and would prefer people be happy, but im also cynical, life has made me cynical and cant do much about that

  2. Hi Jennifer Rose,

    It's easy to be cynical, but maybe the shift to skeptical helps.
    bell hooks, who recently died said that the shift from the 60's
    message "all you need is love," to today's distrust is fueling violence.
    And as there have been more than 600 mass shootings in America this year,
    maybe moving toward love and joy is a good idea. Life saving even. Your comments and wonderful art bring me happiness. Thank you.Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


  3. A lovely, bright, bold, colourful painting bringing the canvas to life. So like this.

  4. Thank you so much Judi,

    It sold a few years ago. And I do like the colours. The light
    at the end of the day in winter is so beautiful.

    Wishing you a happy holiday.


  5. A very Happy New Year to you and yours❣️❣️❣️ I love this painting. So happy and colorful.

  6. Happy New Year to you Evelyn,

    Thank you for all the joy you've given me in the past year. Wishing
    you a happy, safe, healthy, and creative 2022.



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