The backyard celebrates winter
Acrylic on canvas
8 x 8 inches
Barbara Muir © 2022
Well there it goes people -- the first month of the year. I felt a bit
sad tonight that it was over. Despite quite awful news, the month
was packed with small things happening, that had meaning for me,
and Steven, and the friends I have in the city, and in the blog world.
The sunsets were miraculous, and I've photographed enough of
those down by the lake to make a sunset picture book, or
video. Steven and I are entranced by sunsets, and the return of
the light. To help this magic along we had between 20 and 30 inches
of snow all of a sudden about two weeks ago. The day before
it fell we were walking on grass in our favourite park.
What I won't miss about January is that our Siamese Tortie Point
cats -- Fiona 14 years old, and Monet, 15 weeks old,
both stopped eating, and we were afraid they wouldn't make it.
We were heart broken.
Fabulous vet care has saved both of them -- Fiona with an
antibiotic for her infected teeth, and Monet from gastroenteritis.
We were so happy when Fiona the 14 year old started eating after
stopping completely for 3 days, and when our 15 week old cat started eating
voluntarily after one whole week. We were hand feeding her with
a special syringe, and were ecstatic when that was over a day ago,
and she began eating on her own again.
This painting was started 8 years ago, and may not be completely
finished, but I really like it now. I changed what wasn't working for
me, (mostly the colour) and it feels appropriately jubilant. Despite
the incredible cold, and deep snow, on sunny days January was a
beautiful month.
Have a loving what you see day.