Sunday, January 23, 2022

A wonderful day

Black marker on 
Moleskine paper
8 1/2 x 11 3/4 inches
Barbara Muir © 

It’s been a great weekend. We went out to our favourite park and fed the
ducks and geese on Saturday. Plus we found a spot off the Lakeshore
where we could watch the waves crash against the breakwater. I’ve never
seen such high waves in Lake Ontario. And the spray was arching into the
 air -- up to 20 feet white against the beautiful blue of the lake.

Looking through a sketchbook for a space to draw I found this drawing that
I love – not just because I like the style in it, but because it’s of me and a
childhood friend, and I’m wearing a brooch of palm trees that was given to me
by my aunt Ida. The drawing is based on a photo my father took when he was
the doing what looked like pro photography in his spare time.

But what I loved looking at the drawing was the memory of this wonderful aunt
who ignored all the popular adult provisos of the time about spoiling children
with too many gifts. She used to holiday in Florida every winter (there was no
COVID then).  So my aunt, who lived alone, visited Florida every year and always
brought back presents. What a sweetheart! I don’t think I knew as a child how lucky
I was to have her as part of my family.

Have an enjoying your good memories day.


  1. kids should be spoiled, especially from aunts/uncles/grandparents. its what they do and feed them things they normally dont get 😀

  2. Thank you Jennifer Rose,

    I agree. I guess there's a limit, but none of my relatives ever bought
    me a mansion, or a Lamborghini. (I wouldn't have said no. I mean who would? Right?)
    But a pin in the shape of a palm tree. That was sweet,



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