Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Do you know this artist? Verna Vogel

Oil 22.9
Oil on canvas
20 x 30 inches
Verna Vogel © 2022

I've woken up the last few days thinking about the artist Verna
. She has a great presence on Instagram, and works constantly.
One image she posted recently was of a stack of small canvasses
prepped, and painted in different colours waiting for paintings,
and seeing that made me think, "I've got to get at it."

We need that don't we? Plus Verna is completely original. She's
an abstract artist in the main, and her work is fantastic.  I 
decided to write about her tonight, because if you don't know her 
work, you will want to.

We actually met at least once for a two introverts tea at the train
station. And I would love to meet her again. (Did we meet twice
Verna? I don't think so.) She lives way out west but has family in
Ontario.  So check out her work. She inspires me, and will
probably have the same effect on you.

Have a loving your life day.


Verna said...

Barbara, thank you so much!!!

Gives me a warm feeling to think what I am doing can inspire others.
I have to let you know, though: I don't actually work constantly! I just look around constatntly, trying to see visual relationships everywhere, because that is what excites my eyes and my heart - and then post some of the things I notice. :)

Yes, we met once - but we sat in two different areas of the train station, so it felt like twice, in the best way!

I love your work, and your thoughts on this blog.


Barbara Muir said...

Thank you so much Verna,

From my point of view you work constantly. And I love what you do.


Portrait Artist

My photo
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
I paint and draw on commission and for shows. To commission a portrait, or purchase one of my paintings please contact me at: barbara.muir@sympatico.ca
A major highlight in my career? Drawing Oprah Winfrey live via Skype for her show "Where in the Skype are you? Galleries: Studio Vogue Gallery, Toronto, Canada. The Amsterdam Whitney Gallery, New York City. Gallery at the Porch Door, Kingston, Canada. Your positive comments on this blog mean the world to me. I'd love to hear from you!