Friday, December 23, 2022

The Holiday Hustle

Friday's flowers
black marker on bond paper
8 1/2 x 11 inches
Barbara Muir © 

With two evenings to get the holiday together and as predicted
some wind and snow, we spent today on the road.  What's
interesting is that just north of Highway 401 the roads are
sanded and clear, but in our neighbourhood south of that it
was a bit slippery. Everyone in every store we visited was

I found this quote in a post from this time of year that I
really like:

"Happy Holidays to you, and Happy whatever
festival of lights you celebrate.

We've been in the stores today trying to catch
up with ourselves and make sure Christmas is
the way we like it...

Thank you for giving me a very special present
all year round -- your kind encouragement and
comments. You more than keep me going, you
make me downright happy, and confirm my
faith daily that the world is a good place. My
thoughts go out tonight to the many people
on the planet who don't live in a good place,
and I hope that together bit, by bit, we can
change that."

Have an enjoying your life day.


  1. Beautiful drawing❣️❣️❣️ It is so good to find a few quiet moments to draw or paint. Sort of a reset in my mind. Happy holidays ❣️❣️❣️

  2. Happy Holidays Evelyn,

    I plan to be more consistent with my practice in the new year.
    Here's to a safe, healthy and happy 2023. I love your work.



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