Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Work in progress

Untitled (Work in progress)
Acrylic on canvas
8 x 8 inches
Barbara Muir © 2023

Is it harder to paint people you care about? I don't know the
answer to that.  I do know that I am very fond of this model --
an upbeat, creative young woman living a pretty happy life.

I've known her since she was a little girl, and now have most
of my conversations with her on Instagram.

The portrait is coming along, but still not quite finished.

Have a loving your life day. 


  1. Gorgeous ❣️❣️ You have captured a person with such loosness of brushstrokes. Amazing. ❤️❤️❤️

  2. Thank you so much Evelyn,

    Still working on this one -- 8 x 8 inches. Size doesn't
    necessarily mean anything.



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