Getting Ready To Dance
Pastel on Drawing paper
181/2 x 24 inches
Barbara Muir ©
Today would make busy look like a holiday. We have been
on the go since before I even had coffee. That happens sometimes.
So much to get done. We planted one whole garden, and part of
another. We have 3 garden spaces in our backyard. I should say
Steven did the planting and I helped -- weeding while he did most
of it.
I still have so much to do, but love this image and post from 2019
titled This Lucky Girl. Last night on our night walk with the dog
there was a backyard party near the alleyway we walk in, and Steven
and I danced briefly across the street, unseen by the party people
with the dog in complete astonishment.
Here's the post from 2019
"This young woman, who modeled for me when
I was doing pastel drawings, has had a magical life.
The connections between drawing and painting portraits,
and changes in mine, and the models' lives has
been fascinating. I painted a portrait of one model
and placed her in Paris hoping she'd get to travel there.
Later I learned that she'd already traveled extensively.
But a few years later I was invited to exhibit in Paris.
Something I could never have imagined, but had
dreamed about since my first trip to Paris after university.
In this case maybe drawing the model shown above
signaled the start of a completely different life for her.
She met and married the man of her dreams, had two lovely
children, and a happy life -- friends, exciting travel, and
wonderful work opportunities.
Though I might be mistaken, I'd like to think I had something
to do with the unfolding of her story. At the time
she was into dance, and that's why the pose is athletic."
Have a loving your life day.