Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Painting -- but still in the early stages, -- so Paris?

The Louvre and a
woman posing to look
like she's holding the
top of the small glass pyramid
at the Louvre in Paris

Barbara Muir © 2015

I'm super busy with work today -- both painting and prepping
for my class Thursday. I was talking to a former student today,
who said that it should take a full week to go through the Louvre
Museum in Paris, France. 

I have, of course, visited the Louvre, (even before I showed in
the Carousel du Louvre exhibition) and it is full of amazing art.  I
think I've seen most of it, and was dazzled like every other visitor.

My friends find it very difficult to visit art galleries with me,
because unless an artist is one of my favourites, or a new
favourite, I am a skimmer. I hurry through the exhibits that
don't grab my attention, and slow down when I get to work
I love.

So on a Paris theme, I'd love to go to the Louvre again. Love

Have a loving your life day. 


  1. Yeh, me too. I also "skim" through exhibitions because there simply is not enough time and energy to give to each piece. So like you I focus on the ones that really grab me or that I have "planned" to see. The ironic thing is that over time as artists we often change our minds as to what we see as the real important stuff. And sometimes I have regretted missing something because of my "skimming" behaviour. Like you also, I really miss Paris. It must be the most interesting and vitalised city in the world.

  2. Thank you so much Sheila,

    Love your work. Sometimes we even change our minds in the
    middle of looking at an exhibition. I am there right now. Shhh.


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