Sunday, September 3, 2023

Review and renew

Coffee at the gallery
Watercolour on
watercolour paper
9 x 12 inches
Barbara Muir © revised 2023

I found this watercolour still life in my files. I liked it as it
was, but it needed some work. It is always a treat when
you find older work, and can improve it. The eye glasses 
were super dull, and the hand needed a bit more definition.

The painting brought back memories of going for coffee in 
the member's lounge at the Art Gallery of Ontario. I miss 
those days. Steven and I used to love spending time there.

Have a loving your life day.  


  1. Beautiful and slightly wonky gives the painting so much movement as though you had just put down the cup. 😍

  2. Thank you Evelyn,

    Probably true. And it's a few years ago. I remember when those long,
    thin mugs came out -- I wasn't, and am not crazy about them, so that is
    probably part of why it looks awkward. Lol.



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