Tuesday, April 30, 2024

More excitement from yesterday


Pete Sinjin and me beside the river
Seine in Paris yesterday. It was so
wonderful to meet him, and that we
already had a connection. Check out his work.
It's amazing.
Steven van Schaik © 2024

About six months ago there was a piece on Instagram about a critic
who was not kind to Pete Sinjin.  I was one of many people who wrote
and said that the writer was ridiculous because Pete Sinjin's work is 

Yesterday walking along the Seine in Paris with my husband I saw a 
painter doing that measuring thing with his paintbrush, that I don't know
how to do, and don't do, and I started to laugh.  Then the painter and
I started talking, he told me his name, and I told him that I had joined
the discussion back then, and that I loved this work.  He insisted on a 
picture, so my husband took this sweet photo.

Thank you for the discussion and the laughs Pete.

Have a loving your life day.


  1. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❣️❣️❣️❣️

  2. True. So wonderful. Thank you Evelyn,


  3. Hello Barbara it's Merouane Moussaoui the man who take you on thé airport paris CdG you're a Big artiste take Care ouf you 😊

  4. Hello Merouane Moussaoui,

    Thank you so much. I have to take a wheelchair at the airport because I have torn
    menisci in my knees. I can walk, but can't stand in lines. So you were just wonderful, and I am so grateful. It was lovely to meet you. Please keep in touch.
    Instagram is barbaramuir.art.

    Take care,

    Merci milles fois,



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