Sunday, April 28, 2024

The joy of art

Laura, sketch
Journal Sketch
marker on journal paper
6 x 8 inches
Barbara Muir © 2024

The other day we had a five hour wait at an airport.  I was dreading it, but
it turned out to be so much fun.  People came and sat down at the table
where Steven and I were having a late lunch.  First we met a mother and
daughter, who were going to Europe, and then a couple of friends going to
Morocco.  While I sat there I started sketching a woman across the aisle
from me. 

It wasn't a great drawing, but I decided to show it to her for fun, and ended
up giving it to her. She really liked it, which was sweet, and she was going 
to send it to her mother.

So much fun from one quick sketch.

The woman--Laura-- lives in Toronto, so maybe one day I'll do her 
portrait properly.

Have a loving your life day.

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