Saturday, May 11, 2024

Happy Mother's Day weekend

The Writer's Life
Acrylic on canvas
30 x 30 inches
Barbara Muir © Revised 2023

Happy Mother's Day to all you wonderful mothers out there.
I feel extremely blessed to have two delightful sons, two
lovely, kind daughters-in-law, two adorable granddaughters,
and a sweet grandson in my family.  Mother's 
Day is wonderful
for me every day of the year.

And to my own mother who's been gone now for eleven
years -- I love you and miss you Mommy.  You are with me
every day in my thoughts.

This is one of my favourite paintings.  I just love how
the painting captures the mother's love and devotion to
her baby son, and her persistence -- to keep on working
while keeping the baby happy.  The woman in the painting
is a very successful novelist.

Have a very Happy Mother's Day

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