Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Memories from two years ago


At this time two years ago I was in the Food For Thought virtual show
put on by the San Fernando Valley Arts and Cultural Center.

I'm still fighting this horrible cold. Here is some of my piece from that time.
That was a wonderful experience for me.

Upper left corner: Stand Back for the Pie 
Acrylic on canvas 24 x 24 inches Barbara Muir © 2013
(First place in the show)

Upper right corner: The King's Breakfast 
Acrylic on canvas 
24 x 24 inches Barbara Muir © 2015

Lower left corner: Good news Clementines
with Lemon friends
Acrylic on cradled birch panel
 8 x 8 inches Barbara Muir © 2019 

Lower right corner: Breakfast at the Skylight Diner, NYC 
Acrylic on canvas 
30 x 30 inches Barbara Muir © 2014

This was my fourth entry:

Breakfast in the hotel
Acrylic on canvas
6 x 8 Feet

I had five entries in the show, and won First Place with my painting 
Stand Back For The Pie

That was a big thrill. A very happy memory.

Have a loving your life day.

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