Wednesday, May 1, 2024

More fabulous art in Paris

Mériter son Ciel
Oil on canvas
 47.24 x 80.31 inches 
Anais Prouzet © 2023
(bad photo by me --
Barbara Muir)

Yesterday Steven and I went walking as has been our source of 
enjoyment here in Paris. Walking over to the Luxembourg Gardens
we passed a wonderful gallery, Galerie Olivier Waltman, with a kind
and funny manager, Ralph, which he said to pronounce with an H like Hralph.

The paintings and drawings in the gallery were astounding -- highly
emotive, and high realism.  We were oohing and awing and met the
artist, Anais Prouzet who was just leaving for another engagement.  Her
series is called  You breathe, I hear you on the other side of the earth.

The exhibition was stunning, and we left feeling so lucky to have
been here to see it.

More from Paris tomorrow.

Have a loving your life day.

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