Saturday, May 18, 2024

Paris for Shaniece

First stop Paris
Acrylic on canvas
30 x 30 inches
Barbara Muir © 2012
(When I painted this painting I was
thinking about encouraging Shaniece
to go to Paris.  I hadn't exhibited
in Paris yet -- my first time
showing in the Carousel du Louvre was in
2015. But in a way the work was telling
the world that -- hey! I love Paris,
and since I painted this piece, I've visited Paris
a number of times, and exhibited in
the Louvre three times! Of course I loved
 it every time. Right now there's a 6 hour
 time difference between Toronto and Paris.
When you go there it's worth every
 minute of that difference.)

It's Saturday night, and I am super tired.  It was a beautiful day today, and
I had a wonderful, very busy day.  I discovered this blog from awhile
back that says it all for me.  So please enjoy the reposting.

"My mind today is consumed with thoughts of Paris.  That
happens.  Have you ever been there? Well the place gets
into your psyche, and going once makes you want to
return.  And so on.  It is somewhat addictive -- beautiful
buildings, wonderful art, delicious food -- kind, brilliant

This painting seems right today.  We have a quite neglected
sculpture of the Eiffel tower on our front lawn. We refreshed
the lights the other day, but the tower is tilting a bit. The
neighbours are fond of it so we must fix it.

Have a loving your life day. 

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