Saturday, May 25, 2024

Please be patient

Journal sketch
marker on journal paper
6 x 8 inches
Barbara Muir ©️2024

My request is kind of ironic, and would be funny if I weren’t in fact sick
with a truly horrific cold. I think I may be marginally better than yesterday.
But not to bore you -- I still managed to do a journal drawing. 

Yesterday’s drawing was better, but at this point, what matters is keeping
going while not much is going on. In fact, I did spend most of the day in bed
however I got up to sit on our back porch for a while to marvel at what we see.
We are lucky in summer to see a solid line of very high trees -- marvellous
in their varying shades of green, and waving in the wind like dancers.

Have a loving your life day!

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