Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Still dreaming of Paris

View of the Seine in Paris
Barbara Muir © 2024

Paris doesn't leave my brain very easily.  I love my neighbourhood in 
Toronto, which is spectacular right now with lilac trees in bloom 
everywhere in every range of mauve, purple and of course white.
Fantastic.  But Paris is a whole different experience, and our last
visit was one I cherish. (We got home just over a week ago.)

At night I'm actually dreaming that I'm there, and struggling to speak
French in my sleep! That's pretty funny, and also it makes me
happy when I wake up, and remember dreaming of sitting in
cafés, or laughing with the friends who work in the restaurants
where we eat.

I'm so grateful to everyone we met there.  People were so kind and
funny.  And if you know me, you know that I really enjoy both
kindness and humour.

Have a loving your life day.

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