Monday, May 27, 2024

Thank you to my husband

Tree by the lake
Acrylic on canvas
24 x 24 inches
Barbara Muir ©

This is here because it's cheerful. It is a sad, sad day in the world, and
we need some cheer. I have a miserable cold, with vicious coughing, 
and today a very nice doctor came to the house.  He said he thought
I may have broken a rib from coughing -- hence the pain.  Although
I do feel a bit better, the coughing in the middle of the night continues,
and it is bad.  Steven has been taking care of me, the house, the animals,
and he has been more than sweet. So thank you Steven.

So what I hope for going forward is peace -- an end to the disgusting,
inhumane wars happening.  And if you are lucky enough to live somewhere
peaceful, as I am.  Enjoy the beauty.

Have a caring for others day.

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