Sunday, May 19, 2024

Two more reasons we love Paris

Robel and Dara 
(These two work at the restaurant
where we eat most nights when
we're in Paris.  The food
is fabulous, but the main
reason we eat there is that these
guys are our friends.  And we can't 
wait to see them again. They are
kind, and very funny, and make
every evening that we spend
there a joy.)

An artist I met in Paris said that one of the most wonderful things about
the city is that you make new friends all the time, and that has been
true for us. I won't say the name of the restaurant where these two work,
in case it gets them in trouble (for being friendly?), you never know.

If you haven't been to Paris, I hope you get there soon.  Not during the
Olympics, it will be insane, but any other time. Perfect.

Have a loving your life day. 

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