Friday, May 3, 2024

Une Journée à Paris (a day in Paris)


Paris today
Barbara Muir © 2024

A man named Sascha was selling
little easels and photos on a 
bridge near the Notre Dame cathedral.
I put my card on one of the easels
and he let me take a picture.
Then I gave him the card, and
he gave me an easel. So sweet.
Barbara Muir © 2024

Notre Dame Cathedral under construction
Barbara Muir © 2024

What a lovely day it was in Paris today.  The sun was out, the clouds were
magnificent against a pure blue sky.  The people we meet here are so kind.
This morning in the breakfast room in our hotel the women who run the
room had purchased two different brands of oatmeal for me, because I
said I wanted some.  I explained to them that it had to be cooked, and they
got out a big pot and we cooked my oatmeal together laughing.
So sweet.

It was the same all day -- everyone we talked to was super kind.  So it
was another wonderful day in one of our favourite cities.  I hope you had 
a good day wherever you are.  I sketched a bit in the restaurant at lunch,
and in a different restaurant at dinner, and it was so much fun.

Have a loving your life day.


Your thoughts and positive comments make my day. Thank you for stopping by.