Sunday, June 23, 2024

A super Sunday


Me and Steven on a super happy
day in Paris.
High on our list of where we want to go
 as soon as we can is Paris. Yes!

A wonderful day today.  We enlisted some young, and very enthusiastic
family members to help us with gardening.  And the cleome arrived
at our favourite store.  Our helpers were excited about the planting, and
it was done in a jiffy.  Bit by bit we're getting things done.

Then we went to the lake, and had chicken burgers sitting at a pretty red 
picnic table.  We took a walk in high wind, then went to another less
busy park, and home.

Fabulous.  Tomorrow is our wedding anniversary. We are usually on the
road for this celebration, but it's been just as fun at home.

Have a loving your life day.

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