Saturday, June 1, 2024

A wonderful story from my artist's life (there have been so many)


Portrait of the Artist
acrylic on canvas
24 x 30 inches
Barbara Muir © 

I love this story from one of the few juried art shows I participated in with
the Don Valley Art Club in Toronto.  It's Saturday, and I'm a bit tired after
our big trip yesterday. So please enjoy this:

"One of the most exciting evenings of my life as an artist happened
 the night I won Best Portrait, for this odd little painting submitted to
 the Don Valley Art Club spring show. That year the judge was a man
who travelled extensively for Windsor Newton. In choosing my painting
he said that he had just been to a show of portraits at the Tate in London, and
that my work was equal to anything there.

Wow! There were oohs and aahs from the crowd, and a friend of ours rushed away
from the room and purchased the painting on the spot. The evening was not only
wonderful, surprising and a hit on every score. But the funny thing was that because
it was a self portrait, it never occurred to me that someone would buy it. I had
painted it more or less as an artist's joke for my family, because my true artist's
costume, is a pair of paint covered jeans and an old sweater. But this was funny.

The moral of the story? Have fun painting, because the art world is full of surprises.

Have an exciting and surprising day."

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