Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Begin again

Tea in the gallery with Marcia
Acrylic on canvas
8 x 8 inches
Barbara Muir © 2015
(In the original I tried to include
a suggestion of Marcia.  Looking
at it later, I realized that the
figure part, and yellow background
weren't working.  I painted out the
figure and changed the background 
colour and like it much better.  Besides 
Marcia deserves a proper portrait.
 I promise I will do one soon!)

I am inching towards recovery from one of the worst colds I've ever
had.  And no it's not COVID, although a doctor suggested it might
be pneumonia.  Let's say might "have" been, because I am getting

Today Steven took me to my favourite art supply store, and waited
while I went in masked to buy a canvas for an upcoming 
commission.  I loved being there and seeing my friends John and
Michael. So that my friends is a big deal.  I am moving back into
thinking about art -- a definite sign of major improvement.

Have a loving your life day. 

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