Friday, June 14, 2024

Canadian art heros


Tom Thomson
from a Wikipedia photo
marker on journal paper
5 x 8 inches
Barbara Muir © 2023
(Unfortunately some of the marks from the
previous journal page come through,
but I still like it.)

One of my Canadian art heroes is Tom Thomson. I found a former blog
tonight that talks about him, and I thought I'd share what I wrote:

"When I visit the Art Gallery of Ontario, I never miss sitting in
the room full of Tom Thomson's work.  He was a fabulous landscape
artist. Sadly he died at 39 years old by drowning.  There is still all
sorts of speculation about how he -- a very accomplished 
canoeist -- drowned, and hints of murder, or suicide, but nothing
has ever been proven. He died in 1917.

What I didn't realize before, having adored his work since I
first found out about him, was that he was very handsome.
And today in my morning journal, I drew his portrait.  I
liked it so much that I couldn't write on that page."

Happy weekend.  If you don't know Tom Thomson's work --
check it out.

Have a loving your life day.

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