Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Father's Day week


You can't keep a good man down
Acrylic ink and acrylic on canvas
36 x 48 inches
Barbara Muir © 2020
(This is my husband Steven,
-- father of my two wonderful sons)
I'm working on a very complicated painting, so I thought I'd post this favourite
work of mine, in honour of Father's Day week.  Steven (the subject of the
painting) and I alter dinner nights.  Here's one reason he's my hero.  For the
past three + weeks I've had a bad cold.  It is (I hope) coming to an end,
but it's still here, and this sweet man has made dinner every night for this
long, and annoying setback.

I am back to work, but not hanging around friends.  I am pretty sure I got the
cold from Steven, who was hardly sick with it -- just an occasional cough
for a week.  But many people on our street have had, or still have it, so
I don't want to share it with others. 

I was feeling great on the weekend, and spent time with family members,
and then wham it hit me again. Okay I'm ready for it to be over.

So please take care.

Have a loving your life day.

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