Tuesday, June 11, 2024

My debt to technology

Drawing My friend via Skype

I worked on a painting today -- but it's at the early, early stage, and
I am still struggling with this harsh cold.  So I decided to look through
my really old blogs, and found this image from June 2009.  2009
was a pivotal year for me and my art.  I started drawing using Skype
images, when my son was teaching in Korea, and Skype, which was
new, was our method of communication. During our talks I'd start
drawing, and ultimately my Skype paintings got me the chance to draw
Oprah live via Skype.  That was thanks to Howard Wolinsky who 
encouraged me to do Skype paintings to feature in a Skype blog.

This image is of me drawing my friend Melinda Esparza in Arizona
via Skype.  I got a lot of media attention from the Oprah show, and
I was featured on City News the day of this photo.

Skype got me the chance to draw Oprah live, and so much
media attention.That lead to being in shows in New York
City, Florence, Italy and Paris, France.  So yes I am incredibly
grateful to technology.

Have a loving your life day. 

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