Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Paris -- I miss you!

The Groom
Journal Sketch
marker on drawing paper
9 X 12 inches
Barbara Muir © 2023

Toronto is beautiful. Make no mistake.  Steven and I went
to the lake today because it felt like 40 degrees Celsius --
horribly hot, and it was easily 10 degrees cooler in the
wonderful park we went to by lake Ontario. 
But Paris in the
arrondissement where we stayed (the 6th), was magical. 
Interesting things were always happening.

This is a strange portrait of the groom in a bridal couple
I passed on the Pont Neuf near our hotel in Paris one day.
You can visit this link to see my sketch of the bride. They
not look suited, and the groom looked very 
nervous about it. 
Somehow I felt moved to try and 
capture them in sketches.
His suit was complicated and a pattern in brown on white. His
bowtie was a dull brown.

I hope that they had lovely wedding, and that they will have
a happy life.

Have a loving your life day.

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