Friday, June 7, 2024

The new and the old

The breakfast phone call
8 1/2 x 11 inches
marker on bond paper
Barbara Muir © 2009

I love this drawing.  This is a drawing of my son taking a phone
call at the kitchen table 15 years ago.  I love both the mood and
the detail.

It's been a super productive day.  I've almost finished a small new painting
based on a random photo I took as we travelled through Nova Scotia. 
There is a characteristic Nova Scotia clapboard house -- that I just love. 
That is the only place I've seen them, and believe me they are beautifully built
 -- created as many were by the same people who built the fabulous ships
in the region.

We planted our tiny front garden, which needs more flowers, but looks pretty good.
It rained, and then cleared, and the sun shone, and then it rained again -- all
day.  Rain/sun/rain/sun/rain. A super day for planting.

Painting again feels wonderful. 

Have a loving your life day.


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