Wednesday, June 12, 2024

The Paris effect


Suzanne in Paris
black marker on bond paper
8 1/2 x 11 inches
Barbara Muir © 2009
(My friend Suzanne gave me the photo
 I used as reference for this when she came back
 from Paris. It's one of my favourite drawings
because I didn't quite capture the look
on her face in the original photo, but she looks
 almost smugly content. I love how her hair
is blowing around in the wind. But the
main thing is that 
she looks so relaxed and happy in the drawing
To me that is the Paris effect.)

It will be my friend Suzanne's birthday this weekend.  Scrolling through
my blog, I saw this, and thought how perfect. Suzanne is a sweetheart,
and it looks like Paris liked her too.

I was reading a blog about two interviews with David Hockney run on
our national radio channel CBC in 2012.  I loved one sweet thing Hockney
said.  When Hockney started drawing on his iPhone he sent the drawings
to friends.  He talked about how most items people get in their emails are
requests, and pieces of information.  So he'd wake up, see a sunrise or a flower
(he likes to have flowers about), and draw that and send it off.  What he liked
most about that was that his friends said 
that they enjoyed receiving his little
 I loved that story. So I should make a copy of this drawing and
send it to Suzanne. Good idea. See how you and David Hockney help me?
Thank you.

Wishing everyone born in this beautiful month a very happy Birthday.

Have a loving your life day.

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