Monday, July 15, 2024

A hot, hot day -- graced with nasturtiums

Night Nasturtiums 
Watercolour on watercolour paper
5 7/8 x 9.5 inches
Barbara Muir © 2012

Last year at this time we couldn't find nasturtiums anywhere.  We did get some
finally in July, but this year we found them early, and planted the beauties.  They
love both tons of rain, and high heat and are flourishing, -- working on taking
over the garden, which will be perfect because we love them.

Also last year all we could get were yellow nasturtiums.  This year, yellow,
orange, red and deep rosy pink. Who knew?  So I hope you enjoy this
image on a hot, hot, rainy evening.

Have a loving your life day.

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Portrait Artist

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Toronto, Ontario, Canada
I paint and draw on commission and for shows. To commission a portrait, or purchase one of my paintings please contact me at:
A major highlight in my career? Drawing Oprah Winfrey live via Skype for her show "Where in the Skype are you? Galleries: Studio Vogue Gallery, Toronto, Canada. The Amsterdam Whitney Gallery, New York City. Gallery at the Porch Door, Kingston, Canada. Your positive comments on this blog mean the world to me. I'd love to hear from you!