Sunday, July 14, 2024

Appreciating artist friends


Floral Awakening 
Acrylic on Canvas 
40″ x 30″ 
Flora Doehler ©  2018 
(No one paints flowers
like Flora.  Her flowers
leap off the canvas and feel
like you are right there with them.
The joy and passion she feels
for the natural world is such
a pleasure to see, and her use
of colour is so inspiring to me.) 

Flora Doehler who lives in Bear River, Nova Scotia, is one of my many
super appreciated artist friends.  She is one of the people who got me 
blogging, and that has been an incredible experience.  Most recently she
taught me about acrylic ink, and that's been such a delightful, fun
medium to work in.

I'm thinking about her because I was just talking to her tonight. She is
inspirational in both the delightful flowers she paints, and her exceptional
productivity rate. She is just always working and thinking about art.

If you are ever in Bear River, you have got to check out
Flora Doehler's work.  She is a superb artist, and has
paintings in her studio, and in the art gallery in Bear River.

Have a loving your life day.

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