Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Busy day -- this painting captures my dreams


The house on the hill
Acrylic on canvas
8 x 8 inches
Barbara Muir © 

Scrolling through my blogs on Nova Scotia -- this painting and the blog that
goes with it captured my attention.  It's been a busy day.  I've been painting
all day, and one of our family members had a serious medical treatment
today -- so my mind is dreaming of Nova Scotia.  In fact I had a 20 minute
nap and in it I was designing a park with a big round fountain in the center.
Very pretty.  Benches around the fountain and pie piece shaped gardens 
going out from the fountain, forming a glorious circle of the most delightful

I felt like this blog is worth a repeat tonight:

"When you love a place the way we love Nova Scotia,
and travel there by car -- certain landmarks
help you know you've arrived.  This house is one of
them for me.  You see it coming along Highway
6, the Sunrise Trail, from Amherst.  It's at the top
of a hill, and it appears over the brilliant green of
summer grass.

This year I photographed it frantically as we drove
by, and then when I was painting it the angle was
different than my mind's image, so I wasn't clear
that it was "the house."  Driving by another day,
I thought, "that's the house in my painting, oh and
the house on the hill," and the house was all the
more real to me because I'd been staring at it,
deciphering its appeal.

This is it.  A simple white farmhouse. Those
white buildings set against vivid green grass,
and blue, or scowling grey skies might as well be
the fans waving flags at the finish line of a race at the
end of our 2,000 kilometer (1,242 mile) journey.
They say, "lucky you!  You've made it to Nova Scotia

Light influences everything we paint.  In our part of a
Nova Scotia the sand is a coppery red.  The colour
changes wildly with the time of day, and many of the
roads and paths are the same colour.  That was my
ground and it wanted to pop through here and there,
so I let it."

Have a loving your life day.

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