Saturday, July 20, 2024

Thinking about oceans

Water Image 3
Acrylic on canvas
30 x 30 inches
Barbara Muir © 2010

One of my artist friends today talked about thinking too much.
I'm sure he's right, it's probably better not to think too much.
And another talked about beauty, and its meaning.  It's
Saturday night, and strolling through my blogs I saw this painting.
As I love being near the ocean, it made me remember my ocean series,
which I enjoyed creating, and exhibiting.

I thought I'd share some of that post:

"This painting Water Image 3 is part of a series,
joining the oceans, and people that loved specific ocean places
together by bands representing the beaches at the edge of the ocean.

This is one of my favourites, a young woman from India I met
through a class, who had come to work for a family here as a nanny.
She was studying Pre-health with the hope of one day becoming a nurse,
or a doctor. She moved several times, and I lost touch with her. I hope
she achieved her dreams. I'm forever grateful to her for posing for me.
The painting travelled to New York, and hangs in my studio at the moment."

Have a loving your life day

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