Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Very short tonight -- Nova Scotia dreaming

The House on the Hill #2
Acrylic on canvas
18 x 24 inches
Barbara Muir © 2017
It's easy to dream of Nova Scotia tonight, especially with the chaos
that's been going on in Toronto -- flooding, and a massive power
outage across the city. 

We are incredibly tired tonight, but I just wanted to connect with
you, so that you know your work, and thoughts matter to me.  This
is one of my favourite paintings.

Here's what I said about it in a former post:
"I get the recharging of fresh air, a slow pace, and exquisitely beautiful
scenery on our annual trip to our school house in Nova Scotia.
The entire journey is wonderful, and of course there are landmarks
all along the way.  This is one of them -- the house on the hill that
means we're almost at Pugwash, and almost at our home in
Nova Scotia.  I have painted this house so many times, and never
met the people who own it.  Maybe some day"

Have a loving your life day.


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