Saturday, August 31, 2024

The end of August

August road trip
Acrylic ink on 
watercolour paper
and pencil
Barbara Muir © 2022

Given how hot it's been in August, we may have a slightly cooler September, and summer
may last a bit longer.  But some of the trees are losing their leaves early, so I don't know.
Hope springs eternal. 

This is the big long weekend here in Canada, filled with end of summer revelry, and school
prep for parents, and students across the country. We are planning some trips to the lake,
here in Toronto, and that's about it.  We did our 6,000 kilometer, 3,728.23 mile road trip 
in July, arriving home the first of August. The views were similarly beautiful, so this image works for today.  Super hot here, cicadas buzzing, while the air show filled the sky with
sound overhead. 

Wishing you a very happy long weekend, and happy September.

Have a loving your life day.

Friday, August 30, 2024

The morning journal and drawing practice

Journal Sketch
marker on journal paper

6 x 8 inches
Barbara Muir © 2024

I've called my favourite store manager at Type Books on Spadina to order more
journals because I'm going through them at a pretty quick pace.  Writing 2 or 3 pages
in a journal as I drink my morning coffees (3), and do a quick sketch, gets my day
off to a good start. So I'm trying to keep going. 

I like this sketch of a guy sitting in a café in Paris, because he looks so Parisian --
the elegant scarf, tied the way only Parisian men seem to be able to achieve. And even
his winter coat -- what you can see -- is an elegant wool trench coat. Thinking about
Paris always makes me happy.  Last night we visited with friends and that's
what we talked about.  The best.

Have a loving your life day.

Thursday, August 29, 2024

A quick one tonight

Wonderful coffee
 Barbara Muir © 2015 

I had a very busy day today getting ready, working on applying for a show at
the Heliconian opening next week.  

Then this evening we visited friends across the street to talk about Paris.  Could
there be a better topic.  They served delicious French cheese and wine, and we had
a lovely time.  This photo brings back happy memories of one of my favourite 
cafés in Paris.

Have a loving your life day.

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

I missed International Dog Day


Brigitte Sharpe © 2024

I was travelling on August 26, International Dog Day, and did not get a chance to
honour our wonderful dog, Sally. Thanks to my friends who let her out that day,
and to Brigitte for this wonderful photo. Sally is a very happy dog.  And we are delighted that
she is part of our family.

Have a loving your life day.

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Quick sketch to start the day

Nasturtiums today
Acrylic ink on
watercolour paper
8 x 8 inches
Barbara Muir © 2024 
(The photo colour is not right. I'll try
again tomorrow.)

It is hot here, and muggy, and the garden is thriving.  Rain is expected,
which means I won't have to water.  So I ventured out into the heat and
picked some nasturtiums.  Get to know us.  We always have flowers.
So it's nice when I can just walk out to the back garden and pick some.

I thought I'd do a very fast nasturtiums painting.  So I drew it first and then
started adding acrylic ink.  Nothing can compete with the vibrancy of the
nasturtium colours, but here it is. And it was fun to do.

Have a loving your life day.

Monday, August 26, 2024

Busy week

Jesca (work in progress)
Acrylic on canvas 
24 x 24 inches
Barbara Muir ©

We were very late getting in tonight, and had some computer issues. This is a very
busy week.  I'm working on quite a few projects.  This is one.  I painted this very
quickly years ago, so a print could be made for Jesca (the portrait subject) to
give to her on her birthday.

Now I'm revising it -- for a show in the Heliconian Club called Encounters. Jesca
will make a super addition to the exhibition.  I hope she is having a wonderful life.

Have a loving your life day.

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Happy series and the concept of dedication

Water Image 3
Acrylic on canvas
30 x 30 inches
Barbara Muir © 

This has been an exciting day.  We got to hear a family member play a magnificent
concert, and recite some beautiful poems, perfectly matched to the musical compositions
that followed each poem.A large number of family members and fans gathered to
appreciate the concert.  The dedication involved in putting such an event together with
one person on the stage, got me thinking about what would be an equal level of devotion
in visible art.

And I thought perhaps my ocean series required some deep devotion. That was about
saving the ocean, and I hope we still can.  The series showed people set against their
favourite ocean destinations, and they were joined by the band of sand behind the
person in each portrait.This is one I love, (I love all of them) and it hangs in my studio
at the moment.

Have a loving your life day.  

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Another super wedding Monthaversary


Flowers of the day
Barbara Muir © 2024

We had a lovely day today for our Monthaversary of our wedding day.  Steven and I celebrate the Monthaversary of our first date, and the Monthaversary of our wedding day two days apart. Today it was a magnificent day.  We spent most of the day driving through beautiful
countryside, and loved every minute of the views. 

Along the way I snapped a photo of these beauties, and felt they easily summed
up my delight in being married to Steven, and being lucky enough to 
celebrate that, even if its just with our usual wraps for lunch. Once again Steven,
Happy Monthaversary.

Have a loving your life day.

Friday, August 23, 2024

Escaping the political landscape

 Landscape in progress
Acrylic on canvas
Barbara Muir © 2008

This is a painting from my first year of blogging, that to the best of my knowledge never
got finished. I like the start, which looks reminiscent of Nova Scotia. My blog
at the time talked about the importance of the land around Toronto, and how farm
land and forests were being taken over by poorly made houses, and malls.

My current thoughts are on the precarious nature of the U.S. elections, and the incessant
worry about Gaza, the Ukraine, and Sudan, and the 32 current conflicts in the world.
World leaders must move away from spending money on arms and war, and move
towards saving the people and the land.  By now the land and sea -- the environment --
are in such peril, that that should be our main focus, and peace is absolutely 
necessary.  I don't usually do this in this space, but these thoughts are on my
mind, and thank you for listening. Creating -- actually being in the landscape,
as I was today, does provide some moments of escape.

Have a caring about the world day.

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Late at night on the Monthaversary of our first date

Me and Steven in our
winter gear about
10 years ago.
So far we haven't needed
the warmest clothes --
but this is coming!
Dawn Yaeger ©

This is the Monthaversary of our first date. Steven and I started our relationship
with a date on July 22, and by August 22, (one month later on that first year) we 
were deeply in love, and knew this was it.

What a wonderful time we've had.  Wow! If you had told the girl I was when I was
falling in love with this guy how amazing our lives together would be, I could not have 
believed it.  But it's so true.  We have a wonderful family together, fabulous
friends, and love our lives.

Every time I think about meeting Steven, I feel so very lucky.  He loves me.
There has never been any question about that.  Disagree yes. Argue. Yes.
Laugh until we can't stop, adore one another. Yes. Love travelling together,Yes.
Love spending time with our family. Yes. Have a wonderful life. Yes.
Thank you to everyone who is part of our happy story.

Have a loving your life day. 

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Filled with nostalgia

 Ken's flowers
acrylic on canvas
8 x 8 inches
Barbara Muir 2009
(The vase in the painting was given to
me by a lovely neighbour down the road
in Wallace Bridge, who is gone now.)

I was walking my dog tonight thinking about all of the beautiful
trees and flowers there are in my neighbourhood here in Toronto.
Then this painting came up in my Facebook memories, and I was
filled with pleasure remembering the wonderful woman who lived
down the road from our school house in Wallace Bridge, who had
chickens.  Her house was right on the Wallace river -- a beautiful house. 
And we bought our eggs from her back then.  

This year I gave the giant blue jar to a friend who had magnificent
flowers in her garden.  I hope she enjoys it. We didn't get to buy 
flowers from Ken this year -- our visit was so short.

Have a loving your life day.

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Come along with me

Three in Green
Acrylic on canvas
8 x 8 inches
Barbara Muir © 2011

Dear blog friends, I am working on a very time consuming, detailed
painting.  So please come on the journey with me through my blog land 
to enjoy work from that world sprinkled now and then
with current drawings until this sweet work is finished.

I love this painting, small as it is of people walking on the boardwalk
in Quebec City.  What's funny is that most of the time I am not a fan of 
green (except in nature), but these three stood out for me, and clearly
stood out in the crowd. 

This year passing through Quebec City it was too hot to walk on the
boardwalk.  And when we drove by it was not busy.  Not the 
norm for sure.

Have a loving your life day.

Monday, August 19, 2024

One of my favourites


On the mohair throw
iPad drawing
8 x 10 inches
Barbara Muir © 2012

Our cat Fiona is one of my favourite animals.  In our house that
includes Monet the cat, who is considered the baby at 2, and Sally,
the dog.  As our human children are grown up, the animals are our in-home 

I'm a bit under the weather today -- not feeling great, so like this
drawing of Fiona, I am enjoying the duvet, and may watch a 
bit of TV.  Thank you for making me do something creative.
Yes! Here's to being well tomorrow.  We tested and don't have

Have a loving your life day.

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Forward, forward and remembering what was wonderful

The image here is a little movie I took in
2011 while walking on the vast beach
that's created at low tide in the Minas
Basin in Nova Scotia.  I have not had time to paint today.
To get an idea of the scale of the cliffs notice the size of the tall
trees, and the houses when you can see them in
the distance.  This is one vast space. The sound is the wind.

These memories are vital and profound.  We've seen so much beauty on our
travels. I was talking to Steven today about memories.  He wishes he'd kept
better records of where he's been and what he's done.  But we need to live
in the present moment.  Cherish the past of course, but as my friend Melinda
Esparza, the wonderful artist in Tucson, Arizona says, "Forward, forward like
the dogs."

Have a loving your life day.

Saturday, August 17, 2024

The decision to be happy


Clouds at play
iPad drawing
8 x 10
Barbara Muir © 2017

I have been painting quite a bit today, which is odd for Saturday.  We also
went to the market, saw our favourite farmer, and later sat on the back porch
watching the rain.

So much of what I get through social media now is desperately sad, or horrific.
Trying to find the happiness I would like to share with you in order to be 
creative is a challenge.  This drawing made me happy.  I won't be showing you
my current complex painting until it's finished.  I hope this week, but 
if not, soon.

Here's what I had to say about happiness in a former blog:

"Okay.  I taught this stuff --  positive psych -- for 10 years.
How you feel, and perceive the world is heavily influenced
by how you talk to yourself.  What messages you say internally, over,
and over, either give you energy, or knock you flat on your
back, or leave you in limbo somewhere between the two.

Okay I pick feeling happy.  I pick feeling up, and excited
about the future.  Now there's a mental and emotional
challenge for this current world! On it. I was super
tired before I sat down to write to you."

Now thinking about my painting, and the way it is coming
along -- yes I choose happy. We found a huge, elegant,
gold frame at the side of the road today.  It wouldn't even
fit in the car. Steven strapped it to the top, and the rain
held off until we got home. Now what?  Endless 
possibilities. (In Toronto people put the things they
don't want to keep at the edge of the sidewalk for 
people passing by to take.)

Have a loving your life day.

Friday, August 16, 2024

Georgia Fullerton’s Amazing work

The Way Gone Made Clear
A Restored 19th Century Wagon
Now a magnificent piece
of artwork by
Georgia Fullerton © 2023

Today Steven and I drove to Pickering to visit the Pickering Museum for the unveiling of our friend. Georgia Fullerton‘s amazing work The Way Gone Made Clear.

Georgia was asked to create meaningful artistic decorations for a wagon formerly used
to bring slaves to Canada. What she did with graphite, acrylic paint gel, tans, 3-D design,
and digital work is truly awesome.

Georgia says that the work is a “vehicle for change that stands for promises and perseverance.
Triumph over trauma. Education over ignorance and racialized historical teachings.
And the hardships, the 'displanted' settlers of Upper Canada had to overcome.”

I hope you will go and see the work if you are in the Toronto/Pickering region.
It is exceptionally moving.

We loved meeting Georgia’s mother, who is visiting from Jamaica, and her sister
who came from Calgary, and to see her daughter India again, who has been my
model twice, and to meet some of Georgia's wonderful friends.  An amazing event.

Have a loving your life day

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Nooo summer, please don't go so fast

Summer love
Acrylic in and pencil
on watercolour paper
5 x 7 inches
Barbara Muir © 2022

Love this little painting -- maybe I should do a big one.  This sums up
what we saw on our trip across Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick and
Nova Scotia.  Canada you are so beautiful.

I was working on a special painting today, and we spent a fun evening 
having wine and cheese with friends on their front porch.  So delightful.

Have a loving your life day.

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Busy all day


At the bus stop in the market
Acrylic on canvas
8 x 8 inches
Barbara Muir ©

It's been that kind of run around day you dream of, where every
chore gets accomplished, easily, effortlessly, and with quite a lot
of fun -- like the sweet guy at the LCBO that is not the fancy one
who found us Sancerre that was not available at all at the fancy
liquor store.

Which is to say -- no time yet for painting.  I found this photo from
when I did a lot of smaller paintings (I much prefer large paintings now),
and I loved it.  I'm sure it was inspired by the work of Carol Marine.

So Happy Wednesday.  I hope you had a good and productive day too.

Have a loving your life day.

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

The Olympics are over -- lucky people who visited one of my favourite cities in the world

First stop Paris
Acrylic on canvas
30 x 30 inches
Barbara Muir © 2012
(When I painted this painting I was
thinking about encouraging the model
to go to Paris.  I hope she has been.
I hadn't exhibited
in Paris yet -- my first time
showing in the Carousel du Louvre
was in 2015. But in a way the work
was telling the world that -- hey!
I love Paris!
 Since I painted this piece, I've visited Paris
many times, and exhibited in
the Louvre three times! Of course I loved
 it every time. Right now there's a 6 hour
 time difference between Toronto and Paris.
When you go there it's worth every
minute of that difference. I feel
so happy for everyone who visited Paris
during the Olympics. Can't wait to go back.) 

In a former post I put it perfectly:
"My mind today is consumed with thoughts of Paris.  That
happens.  Have you ever been there? Well the city gets
into your psyche, and going once makes you want to
return.  And so on.  It is quite addictive -- beautiful
buildings, wonderful art, delicious food -- kind, brilliant

I'd add to that that the main reason I want to go back is the
lovely people we've made friends with in our recent visits --
so kind, funny, inspiring. Such a treat.

Have a loving your life day.

Monday, August 12, 2024

The art of peaches

Today's bounty
Peaches canned by 
Steven van Schaik
Barbara Muir © 2024

It’s peach time in Ontario, and Steven preserved 6, 3 quart baskets of beautiful
organic peaches this afternoon. It’s quite a process, and he is expert at it.

So once again we’ll have peaches all winter for crepes, French toast,
to put on ice cream, or just to eat— yum. 

The finished jars of peaches look amazing.  I certainly think Steven
is an artist in peaches.

Have a loving your life day.

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Happy International Daughters and Sons day

Spring Break Shoreline
Acrylic on Canvas
30 x 30 inches 
Barbara Muir © 2007
(Sam, me and Christopher)

Christopher and Sam
my sons,
Barbara Muir ©

Megan at The Stork Restaurant
Acrylic on canvas
18 x 24 inches
Barbara Muir © 2010
(Christopher's wife Megan --
 our daughter-in-law)

Wonder Water Image #5
Acrylic on canvas
30 x 30 inches
Barbara Muir © 2015
Emily, my son Sam's wife -- 
our daughter-in-law.

We're so lucky to have two wonderful sons, and that they in turn
have brought two amazing daughters-in-law into our family.
I love the love shared by our family.  So on this special day
I honour those great people, and am so grateful for all of the
joy they've brought into our lives.

Have a loving your life day.

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Fast morning journal sketches

Quick Journal Sketch
Marker on journal paper
6 x 8 inches
Barbara Muir © 2024

Although this was a very quick (10 minute) sketch -- it is a bit overdone.  
Sometimes more time leads to more simplicity.  In fact it's often that
way.  The young woman is very beautiful.  Sometime I hope to do
her justice with a painted portrait.

A wonderful day today.  I met a guy helping the farmer we get
our vegetables, and delicious baked goods from, who is going to
OCAD, where I studied art.  Such a fun conversation.

Steven and I went to the lake to get our 10,000 steps, ate delicious turkey
burgers, and stopped at an empty lakeside café for an espresso as the
sun set over the lake.  Pretty perfect.  Now it's movie night.

Have a loving your life day.

Friday, August 9, 2024

A little something

Untitled (Work in progress)
Acrylic on canvas
12 x 12 inches
Barbara Muir © 2024

This is a little something I worked on in breaks from working on the large canvas
I was working on today (still not ready to show you.). The main change to this
today was adding the water, which made me happy.  It's a long way from
finished.  But soon.

Have a loving your life day.

Thursday, August 8, 2024

International Cat Day


Acrylic on mounted birch panel
5 x 7 inches
Barbara Muir © 2014

We have two beautiful cats and a sweet dog.  I don't have a painting of
our young cat -- Monet -- but she is a beauty too. There's been quite a 
bit in the news in the past week about "cat ladies" and yes I am one.
My husband is a "cat gentleman" I guess by the American Republican

So this is Fiona, and here's to cats -- one of the most delightful animals
on the planet. Smart, affectionate, tidy, funny, playful, loving.  The best.
Love our dog make no mistake.  Plus our dog Sally loves our cats, and they love
her.  If you have a cat, or cats Happy International Cat Day.

Have a loving your life day.

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

An awesome day

The mantle in my studio  
Barbara Muir © 2024
(Have to take a new photo
tomorrow in daylight. 
This isn't right.)

As I write this, I sit on the very comfortable couch in my studio across from
the fireplace mantle that displays a cheerful array of small paintings, and a
photo of my son as a baby. I always feel happy looking at that. 

Today I had a great day painting, talked to artist friends on the phone,
and then Steven and I went to the best chicken burger place in the city,
and ate on a bright red picnic table looking out at lake Ontario, and at
hundred of families roller blading, paddle boarding, swinging and 
playing in the playground, to the sound of the waves. It was 
magnificent, and made me love my city (Toronto) even more.

Have a loving your life day.

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

The power of love and nostalgia


View of the river
Barbara Muir © 2022

My parents would be shocked I think to know that whenever Steven and I
visit Ottawa, we now go out to a place where we can buy chicken wraps,
and then drive to the end of my parents' street to the boat launch to look at
the water.  After my mother died, a multi-millionaire bought her cottage-like
house, tore it down and built a squarish mansion.  It couldn't be more
different than what my parents enjoyed.

But as I've said before, my parents taught me to love water. Every summer
from the time that I was 
two they drove our whole family to a cottage that
was a 2 1/2 hour 
drive from Ottawa. We swam every day, canoed, and loved
the views on the 
lake. When we moved to Toronto, my uncle sold the 
cottage we'd rented, and that pleasure was over, so it was extra special
that when my parents moved back to Ottawa they were right on the Ottawa river.

That place also held special memories for me. Wonderful visits with amazing
scenery. On August 1 before we left Ottawa on our way home from Nova
Scotia last week, we drove down that road. The views there are still wonderful,
and tug at my heart strings.

Have a loving your life day.

Monday, August 5, 2024

Kudos to my friend Jennifer Hinrichs


Around the table
Charcoal on paper
Jennifer Hinrichs ©

Steven and I had a wonderful visit this afternoon with our friends, Jennifer
Hinrichs, and her husband Michael Steinhauser. I found a post I wrote
about Jennifer a while ago, that says it all.  She is amazing, and is a big
part of why I am an artist. As always seeing her beautiful paintings in
her condo today was so inspiring.  Mike's art is also amazing. It
was a great afternoon.

"I had my first art show ever with my friend Jennifer Hinrichs,
a fantastic artist in every painting and drawing medium.
I don't think I'd be an artist today if I hadn't met Jennifer.
Studying at OCAD was fabulous for training, but I needed
more than it had to offer.  After finishing an English
degree, I met Jennifer while working at an art magazine.
She is not only a fabulous artist, but was an incredible art
director and designer too.

At the time, meeting people at all levels in Canadian art,
I was alienated by what looked like an impossible
profession that created stars for reasons I often couldn't
understand, and left the majority of artists struggling
to make a living.

Jennifer changed my mind, and helped me see how wonderful
an artist's life could be in so many ways. Because of her I joined
the Don Valley Art Club, started meeting other artists,
participated in regular drawing groups, and was in
wonderful shows.

She is always an awe inspiring artist -- who makes me
feel so excited every time I see her work.  And I want to
thank her.  It has been a pretty joyous ride out here in the
land of art.  People like you -- Jennifer --make it possible to
enjoy the life, learn, grow and continue to have fun."

Have a loving your art friends day.

Sunday, August 4, 2024

The year moves in order -- it was peach buying day

 Peach party
12 x 12 inches
Acrylic on canvas
Barbara Muir © 2008

What is strange is that I bought my first peaches last year on this day, 
and without realizing that bought my first peaches today! I do love those
beauties, and this is one of my favourite paintings of the precious fruit.

Every year Steven waits until a farmer at the organic market has their peaches
for sale, and then buys enough to can peaches for the entire winter. They are
an amazing treat mid-winter. He doesn't use sugar, so they taste exactly like
they did the day he did the canning process. 

It is very hot here, and I went out to buy paint for a work I'm in
the middle of producing. I had great advice from Greg at my favourite 
art store, and went home with supplies and a bunch of new ideas.

Have a loving your life day.

Saturday, August 3, 2024

Saturday night repeat -- it's movie night!


Garden Flowers in a glass jug
Pen and ink and coloured pencil
8 1/2 x 11 inches
© Barbara Muir
(I was not a good at photos back then)

I found this post tonight and it made me happy.  It is so hot here, that it's hard
to think, let alone create.  Yet I did paint all afternoon. Then we headed 
down to the lake for a delicious dinner at a take out place that we ate sitting
at a picnic table facing the lake.  Delightful.

"My art training was classical.  Ideally most of our teachers would
have wanted us to be part of the Florence School of Art, learning
to paint like Renaissance painters.  One of the best things we learned
was how to have an "eye" -- meaning we really looked at what we
were trying to capture.

This drawing was at my mother's house, but "disappeared" after she
died, probably sold off for nothing by the relative handling the 
dispersal of my mother's possessions. Finding it in my blog
made me happy.  I learned so much in the two years I studied
art post high school.

Here's what I said about these drawings in a former blog post:

"The concept of selling my art came to me years ago when
we started to go to therapy to help us adjust to the
early tensions of parenting a new baby.  We were lucky
I think, because my sister is a therapist, and it was very
natural for us to seek and get help from one of her colleagues.
After a couple of months working out what seemed to be
giant epiphanies at the time, and what seem now to be the basics of
practical couple decision making, Steven got up
the nerve to say that he needed me to make money.

I was shocked.  Hadn't I had a baby only eight short
months earlier?  Did he mean he wanted me to be a
mother, and earn an income?!!!  He did, and the therapist
supported that notion.  The drawing tonight is a sample
of those early works for sale.  I am always delighted when
I go to my mother's house and see them.  Done in pen and
ink with a straight pen, Indian ink, and coloured in in
pro level coloured pencil, they seem shockingly detailed
to me now.  But they are still beautiful in an intensely
obsessive way.  I was trying to be a botanical artist, and
succeeded at this for several years.  In fact I drew these
images in straight sessions, spending 16 hours a day
producing them, with a baby at my feet.  Is it any wonder
that that baby is an incredibly hard worker today?  Or
that he's grown up to enter the arts field?  I guess not.

Have an honouring-your-young-sweet-naive-searching-self day."

Friday, August 2, 2024

Work in progress

Untitled (work in progress)
Acrylic on canvas
24 x 24 inches
Barbara Muir © 2024

You come back from a 17 day vacation and wonder,"Who am I?
and what am I doing here?"  Normal.  After all 330 billion of your
cells renew every day, so those are good questions.  You aren't the
person you were when you left.  

My answer?  A timer.  The evidence suggests that I'm a painter.
Come to my studio and you'll see.  Then I put my current (before
I left) painting on the easel, set the timer, and began to paint.
Sometimes the answer is in the action. I paint, therefore I am a
painter. Solved and resolved.

Here is a work in progress that is resonant of where we've just
been in the Maritimes.  It's a work that is close to, but not quite
done.  And I'm working on a commission that will need many
settings of the timer.  Progress is happening, and I know who I
am, and what I'm doing here again. 

Have a loving your life day.

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Back home after 17 days on the road

The Bay of Fundy
Barbara Muir © 2024

What a great trip! 17 days -- 4 provinces twice. Ontario, Quebec, New 
Brunswick, Nova Scotia. Along the way we saw family, friends, and
met wonderful people.  The best.  I love this country more every time
I travel through it.  6,000 kilometres  = 3,278 miles.

We are tired tonight.  Back home in the high heat of Toronto, which
was with us all the way.  Yes.  So more on this tomorrow.  For

Have a loving your life day.

Portrait Artist

My photo
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
I paint and draw on commission and for shows. To commission a portrait, or purchase one of my paintings please contact me at:
A major highlight in my career? Drawing Oprah Winfrey live via Skype for her show "Where in the Skype are you? Galleries: Studio Vogue Gallery, Toronto, Canada. The Amsterdam Whitney Gallery, New York City. Gallery at the Porch Door, Kingston, Canada. Your positive comments on this blog mean the world to me. I'd love to hear from you!