Saturday, August 10, 2024

Fast morning journal sketches

Quick Journal Sketch
Marker on journal paper
6 x 8 inches
Barbara Muir © 2024

Although this was a very quick (10 minute) sketch -- it is a bit overdone.  
Sometimes more time leads to more simplicity.  In fact it's often that
way.  The young woman is very beautiful.  Sometime I hope to do
her justice with a painted portrait.

A wonderful day today.  I met a guy helping the farmer we get
our vegetables, and delicious baked goods from, who is going to
OCAD, where I studied art.  Such a fun conversation.

Steven and I went to the lake to get our 10,000 steps, ate delicious turkey
burgers, and stopped at an empty lakeside café for an espresso as the
sun set over the lake.  Pretty perfect.  Now it's movie night.

Have a loving your life day.

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