Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Filled with nostalgia

 Ken's flowers
acrylic on canvas
8 x 8 inches
Barbara Muir 2009
(The vase in the painting was given to
me by a lovely neighbour down the road
in Wallace Bridge, who is gone now.)

I was walking my dog tonight thinking about all of the beautiful
trees and flowers there are in my neighbourhood here in Toronto.
Then this painting came up in my Facebook memories, and I was
filled with pleasure remembering the wonderful woman who lived
down the road from our school house in Wallace Bridge, who had
chickens.  Her house was right on the Wallace river -- a beautiful house. 
And we bought our eggs from her back then.  

This year I gave the giant blue jar to a friend who had magnificent
flowers in her garden.  I hope she enjoys it. We didn't get to buy 
flowers from Ken this year -- our visit was so short.

Have a loving your life day.

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