Thursday, August 22, 2024

Late at night on the Monthaversary of our first date

Me and Steven in our
winter gear about
10 years ago.
So far we haven't needed
the warmest clothes --
but this is coming!
Dawn Yaeger ©

This is the Monthaversary of our first date. Steven and I started our relationship
with a date on July 22, and by August 22, (one month later on that first year) we 
were deeply in love, and knew this was it.

What a wonderful time we've had.  Wow! If you had told the girl I was when I was
falling in love with this guy how amazing our lives together would be, I could not have 
believed it.  But it's so true.  We have a wonderful family together, fabulous
friends, and love our lives.

Every time I think about meeting Steven, I feel so very lucky.  He loves me.
There has never been any question about that.  Disagree yes. Argue. Yes.
Laugh until we can't stop, adore one another. Yes. Love travelling together,Yes.
Love spending time with our family. Yes. Have a wonderful life. Yes.
Thank you to everyone who is part of our happy story.

Have a loving your life day. 

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